Online Landscape Architect CEU Courses

Courses available for landscape architects are in various topics like BMPs for the landscape, fresh air with fresh interior, healing garden design and outdoor room design. All the CEU courses have been approved by Florida board of landscape architecture.

1. BMPs for the landscape:

It is one of the online landscape architecture CEU courses which offer methodologies to preserve natural resources. It is a 4 hour online continuing education course for landscape architects. This course helps the landscape architect to design new landscapes or renovate existing ones without affecting the natural resources.

It also helps the landscape architect to understand the techniques to conserve ground water level and the quality of surroundings. This course is sponsored by Florida Department of environmental protection. This course is ideal for beginner landscape architect.

2. Fresh air with fresh interior:

This is yet another online landscape architecture CEU course which helps the landscape architects understand the impact of plants and flowers in people’s physical, psychological and behavioral needs. The course helps the landscape architect to design landscapes with suitable plants and trees which provides fresh air.

The course explains that not only the outdoor landscape, the indoor landscape also requires plants for getting pure air and peace of mind. This is a 2 hour online continuing education course. This course suits the intermediate level of landscape architects.

3. Healing garden design:

Nowadays, more people fall into the traps of day to day stress. After hours of working in a stuffy office, they require a peaceful and pleasant surrounding in order to get relief from stress. Healing garden design course therefore aims at educating the landscape architects the need for healing designs in the garden that make people safe, comfortable and stress free. The course also provides tools to design healing garden. This course is a 4 hour online continuing education and is ideal for intermediate landscape architects.

4. Outdoor room design:

The contemporary American lifestyle requires fantastic outdoor room. The online landscape architect CEU Courses offer outdoor room design for the landscape architects to design the outdoor rooms that combines both functionality and beauty. The outdoor room design needs to be environmentally friendly and sustainable. Hence the course would help the intermediate landscape architect to understand the outdoor room designing projects.

Landscape architects who have registered themselves with the board and have received the license number are eligible to get the online landscape architect CEU courses. Upon enrollment, the landscape architect needs to submit his\her license number to the sponsors of the online courses.

The online landscape architect CEU courses are very easy to learn and they are more helpful for beginner and intermediate landscape architects. These courses would be more useful for their professional development. Since they are approved by Florida Board of landscape architecture, the candidates can join the courses without any fear. The cost of the course is also reasonable.

Most of these courses are generally available for $ 40. The landscape architect can join the course and learn without stepping out of his\her home.


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