Keeping Call Ducks

The call duck is a lively and dynamic duck breed. It is small and could weigh at maturity to about 1.7 kg (1.8 lb) with a flabby bowl-like body. It is easily distinguishable from other breeds because of its wide, curved head, small, broad bill and stunted legs. It has a loud quack, and the females are more high-pitched than males. This breed comes in various colors such as blue, pale, gray, white, khaki, brown, caramel, and spotted. Thus, you should not lean on feather colors when you want to spot a call duck. A call duck can lay at least 30-80 eggs every year’

The call duck originated from Europe as a domestic breed related to the Mallard. It was first recognized as a duck breed in the 17th century. Although this breed is used for ornamental and domestic purposes, some raisers keep call ducks because they have large eggs.

To keep call ducks, you should first set-up a duck pen. This pen should have at least four square feet of space for each duck placed in the pen to ensure comfort and safety. If you live in a warm region, an open pen with a sturdy fence is enough. Duck raisers keeping call ducks in arctic regions should build or purchase a duck coop, which is enclosed and properly insulated to give a comfortable shade to the ducks during the cold season.

If you need to purchase Call ducks, you may buy ducklings or adult ducks that can produce eggs. Both of these can be acquired from any farm supply store. If you know someone who raises Call ducks, it is better to buy from them, since you can get them cheaper and they are properly raised in farms than in cages in a supply store. Also, Call ducks can be purchased from any hatchery. You can check any hatchery near your area. Normally, the price for Call ducks range from $3 to $4, depending on size and number.

If you have decided to raise Call ducklings, you can first start to brood them. If you started with mature Call ducks, there’s no need to brood them anymore. Ducklings need warmth to keep them healthy and to imitate the heat from the mother duck. You can hang a 250-watt light bulb and adjust its height until the coop is 95 degrees Fahrenheit in temperature. Lower the temperature weekly by at least five degrees until the ducks have grown and the bulb is not needed anymore.

Make sure to provide your flock with enough water supply. A duck water dish or a low sink is enoughyou’re your ducklings. You should place pebbles or marbles at the bottom of the sink to draw the ducklings and motivate them to drink. Juvenile or mature Call ducks should be a basin with a medium-level of water, enough for their heads to be submerged.

And for some additional nutritional feeding reminders; Call ducks should be given duck feeds free from medications intended for chicken. The duck feed should have at least 25% protein ingredient. Give the starter feeds to your ducklings in the first month before replacing with a duck grower feed with at least 15% protein mixture.

Once they grow into mature ducks, they will also hunt for small bugs and tiny grass and weeds in the pen or yard. You can also give them fresh vegetable chops composed of vegetable stalks and fruits.


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Keeping Ducks: The Top Duck Breeds
Keeping Ducks: Pinioning
Keeping Call Ducks
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