IPad � More Than A Toy

Sweeping generalizations branded iPad as nothing more than an expensive toy. And having more thousands and thousands of applications doesn't help much with its image. But is it really just a toy? Or is there something more to it than having a horsepower powerful enough to host as much apps as you want?

A Multimedia Player
It is, without the slightest hint of doubt, among the cheapest yet best-performing multimedia player in the market these days. It has superb software that can handle high definition videos as well nearly all forms of audio files, video files, podcasts, TV shows, and music. For the most parts, having all these functions is more than worth for the $499 buyers will have to dole out for the device.

An E-Reading Device
Many have dubbed iPad as the biggest threat to Amazon's Kindle. Despite Kindle's dedicated capabilities for e-reading, many Kindle users have already hopped in the iPad bandwagon to switch from the 1.2 pounds eBook reading Kindle DX to 1.5 pounds consolidated multimedia device that can fare as well as Kindle in its function.

Lots Of Apps To Use
Apple's tagline: 'there's an app for that', is not a marketing hyperbole. It is a reality. As if this selection is not mind-boggling enough, third party apps creators and developers are constantly creating new apps to add to the extensive collection that Apple has. So it is just more apps from here.

In the apple ecosystem, nothing is ever without internet connection. You can definitely use iPad wherever hotspots are present.

3G Connection
No Wi-Fi hotspot nearby? No problem. Apple integrates 3G with its iPad. Like it's smaller sibling � the iPhone, iPad can connect to AT&T's 3G network. What is so remarkable with this arrangement is that it does not bind users with long-term contracts. Activate or deactivate your 3G connection however you want, iPad and AT&T's partnership is purely customizable.

Hulu, YouTube and Other Video Hosting Sites
The lack of flash in iPad is a frequent complain. In fact, a monumental drawback. But download an app and you can have this problem resolved in no time. Although for now, the application is only applicable to YouTube. Other applications are expected to be available very soon.

Web Browsing
iPad uses Apple's own web browser- Safari, the same browser that iPod Touch and Mac use. Only with iPad, the features are enhanced to accommodate the touch screen technology of the device.

This is a no-brainer. Apple's iPad takes advantageous of external devices that connects via Bluetooth. Soon retail stores will be flooded with anything iPad � from Bluetooth keyboards to Bluetooth headphones.

Storage Capacity
Whether you are a media-hungry user or not, you can have options with iPad. You can go with 16GB, 32 GB and 64 GB versions.

Productive Software Applications
Productivity apps such as Pages, Keynote and Numbers are available in iPad as well, making it as much a toy as a productivity device.

With the help of its virtual keyboard and email application, you can send and receive emails on the go. Given of course that you have access online.


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