Tips For Filling In Internship Application Forms

In the process of filling in your internship application forms, there are some things that you should and should not do. Remember that your application form is like your golden ticket to catch the attention of your employer. It should stand out from the rest of the forms that other competing intern wannabe’s have passed.

To get that edge over your competition, here are some tips for filling in internship application forms.

Filling In Written Forms

It is advised that you photocopy the application form even before you start writing on it. In this way, you can have some practice in filling in the form, just to make sure that the information you will write down would fit the spaces given. Also, in most cases, black ink is the standard that you should use when filling a form. Unless they specify a different color, black is the safe way to go.

Filling In Online Forms

If you are completing and online application form, most of the time, you will be required to register and give your information before you even get to complete the main application form. If this is the case, carefully record information you put in your registration details. In this way, you can ensure that you will have consistent information in both your registration and application details.

Additionally, always double-check your application before you submit it. It would be best if you can even print it out. Doing so, can help give you reminders and cues of whatever answers you put in the form if ever they ask you again during the interview proper.

A General Guide To The Different Sections

Most of the time, the employment and education sections of your form are self-explanatory. They should also be answered with complete honesty, since these are information that is easy to confirm.

Qualification standards vary in different countries. If you are an overseas applicant, you do not have to convert your qualifications into the format of the country you are applying in, since a lot of employers already use a qualification conversion table to do the task.

There are some forms that would want you to indicate all of the modules you have studied and even the grades you’ve obtained. While there are some would simply ask you to summarize them.

The employment section of the form would usually require you to provide information about the different jobs you have had. A short and straight to the point job description would do, as you should take note of space or word limitations. Also remember to add in voluntary or part-time work if you have had any.

The last section of the form is usually the references. You should deliberate carefully on whom are the people you should include in this list. First off, they should be someone that you are sure would likely give you a positive recommendation. Second, do not forget to ask for their permission to include them on your list, and make sure that they agree, before you do so.

In completing a form, make sure that you keep it short and simple. Most employers hate extremely long forms that have useless data such as awards gained from kindergarten or even prep school. Just keep in mind to only put the relevant data and what the form requires.


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