The Do’s and Don’ts When Preparing For InternshipDo Try To Have More Than One Try to make the most out of your college years by having more than one internship program. This can really be beneficial to you. Just think about how one internship can already help you, what more if you had two? However, make sure that you can accommodate them with your time. To maximize your learning experience, don’t have them at the same time if possible. In this way, it wouldn’t be too stressful on you. If you can’t accommodate having two, then getting at least one is acceptable. Do set Specific Goals When you are about to take internship, you should set specific goals for yourself and your internship. Ask yourself what you want to achieve at the end of your internship. If you have a goal at hand, then taking your internship would not be taken for granted, since you can set your mind into accomplishing your goals. Don’t Expect To Get Paid The sad truth is, most internships are done for free. Although there are some paid internship programs, majority of them can only give you a certain amount of stipend or a really small amount of money, probably enough for your fare back and to from your workplace. Knowing that there are paid internships, you might start targeting for these kinds of programs. However, even though they are paid, you should keep in mind that some of the best internship experiences could be acquired with non-paid programs. Do Expect Professional Treatment Welcome to the professional world. When you start your internship, you can say goodbye to lame ‘the dog ate my homework’ kind of excuses. Here, expect to be treated professionally. Your employer and co-workers would give have to give you that professional treatment whether you want it or not. So be prepared for some cold shoulder moments, especially at the first few days of work. Along with expecting professional treatment, you should act professionally too at all times. You can’t slack off and think that this is only internship. You should treat it as if it is real work. Don’t Wait For It To Come An internship opportunity won’t come knocking at your door. It is not given to you like candy. Just like in looking for a regular job, you should be the one to look for it. However, there are some tools that might help you find a good internship more easily. You can try your college placement office, or even the Internet. Do Use Your Network If finding an internship seems to be a tedious chore for you, don’t worry. Why not try to make use of your network of friends and family? This can be a good way to get the leads on available internship programs out there. These are just a few of the things you should and should not do when preparing for getting into an internship program. Just always remember that this period of your life is a very crucial one, because it can have a rippling effect on your future career life. So, try to do your best even if you’re still on your preparation stage! Comments |
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