Hot Tips For Your Internship Interview

When you are done with all the preparations for your internship interview, now is the time that you master some tips that can be used during your interview proper. Preparation can help you ease out the pressure a little, but knowing some do’s and dont’s for your interview proper can make the whole process a less intimidating and pressuring one. So here are some of the most helpful tips that can help make your interview a smooth one.

Things To Bring

During your interview day, there are a couple of things that you should not forget to bring. The most important thing to bring would be pen and paper. If ever you need to take down some notes during the interview, then you can do so. Also, this can be handy too if ever you have to fill-in some forms again.

Additionally, it would be helpful if you bring one copy of your resume or any other application form that you’ve had completed. This can be helpful in reviewing and refreshing your memory, about information that you have written there, while you are waiting to be called.

Don’t Be Shocked

There can be different kinds of interviews, depending on the company. There are different formats that you should anticipate for. Sometimes asking one simple question does it. There are times when you would have to undergo a series of tests mixed with some demonstrations of your skills or talents.

There are also question and answer session types of interview. These are usually done in an informal setting. When done in a very formal setting, it can vary from being a presentation to a panel interview.

You may also encounter interviews that have group activities or aptitude tests, which is why you should expect the unexpected. Nevertheless, there are still some predominantly common questions that seem like almost every kind of interview would ask you.

The Key Questions

The question that would top the list of the most common interview questions would be "Why do you want to work for this company?". Cliché as it may seem but this question has a really heavy weight on your interview impact. That is why it is something to be thought of carefully.

Another one is "Why have you applied for this job in particular?". Since you are applying for an internship position, this can be answered by simply stating that you need it to gain more experience and practical knowledge and exposure on the job.

The next two most common questions however would be highly based on your personal opinion. The questions are: "How do you think you can add value to the role?", and "Where do you see yourself in, say, ten years time?". If you are to answer these questions orally, try to give a prompt, but meaningful answer. Also, sugarcoating your answers too much is a no-no. As much as possible, try to be realistic on your answers.

If ever these questions would be asked from you, they wouldn’t really be a big problem at all provided that you have proper preparation and practice.

These are just some of the happenings that you should anticipate and watch out for during your interview. Try to keep these in mind and simply be yourself, then you’re off to a smooth sailing interview experience!


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