Advantages of Internet Banking

Is the nature of business forcing customers to use internet banking? Or, is there something in it for the customers? Indeed there are many advantages to doing internet banking.

1. It is easy to open an internet banking account. You sit, in the comfort of your home or office, and type in your answers to a few questions. You set up the security measures that will be used to access your account, like usernames, passwords, etc. Then, all you need to do is print off and sign a form to send in to complete the process.

2. Internet banking is cheaper. With the advantage of having no physical structure to keep up, virtual banks have low overhead. They can afford to cut you a break by offering higher interest rates on your savings. They will also offer lower overdraft fees. Even banks that are backed by physical buildings encourage online banking with free bill paying services.

3. Internet banking allows you to compare deals easily. You can go to different online banks and find out their interest rates and policies about checking and savings accounts. You can learn what credit cards they offer, and at what rates. You can compare loan terms. You can check with the FDIC to check the banks' credibility.

4. Internet banking customers can watch their daily balances. By going on the internet to the bank's website you can look at what is going on in your account any day or time. You can check your balance. You can find out if a particular check has cleared your account or see when automatic deposits are made. All these services make check bouncing nearly a thing of the past.

5. Your monthly statement can be reconciled by using your computer. You can download your bank data into a software program like Quicken or Microsoft Money. Then, with a few clicks of your mouse you can square up your account. Through your internet banking account, you can even see copies of checks you have written.

6. You have a better chance to catch fraudulent use if you have an internet banking account. When you check your debits and deposits, you will most likely notice if something is there that you did not do. If someone withdraws money from your account, you will know it as soon as you log on and look over your account. Then, you can work on correcting the situation long before you would even notice it with conventional banking.

7. Internet banking is much more convenient than traditional banking. You do not have to wait for the bank to open its doors. You do not have to drive to get there. If you are using internet banking for your office, you will not have to waste valuable time going to the bank. You can manage your funds anywhere, any time.

Internet banking is growing for a reason. People are getting accustomed to transacting business over the internet. They are enjoying the convenience and the control over their money that internet banking gives them.


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