Indoor Games That Little Kids Can Play

Some people have made a living taking care of other people's kids. Some people have actually devoted their entire lives to the kids that they are taking care of they forget what time it is and never got off to marry and start their own families. Truly some people would rather play kids indoor games with the children they are looking after than go out on a date. These are the people that really make a difference.

Now for those who are inclined to join this elite club of nannies and baby sitters look ahead, the life you are about to choose is a fulfilling yet often times sad one. Because no matter how much love you give to the child you are taking care of at the end of the day, they are still not yours. But if it's any consolation, they will look up to you for the rest of their lives.

The play time nanny

If you are really eager to get into the baby sitting life there are a few things you must know. First of all you should have a list of activities that you are planning to do with the child when the folks are out. Here are some of the sample activities you could do when it's your turn to baby sit the tots:

1. Creative activities. One of the sure fire ways to get kids interested and focused is by doing some art. Art was always a good excuse to color in things in a weird way or 'accidentally' color in the walls or the floor or whatever. Now for the baby sitter, be prepared for several things, first is the crayons, pens, pencils and other coloring implements. Make sure that you have with you non-toxic, food grade and biodegradable coloring materials. Also be prepared to spread some newspaper over the floor to avoid any accidents. Designate an area where your kids can do all their coloring. Enforce to them the area they are allowed to play in.

2. Kids' indoor games. A good way to kick off a night of baby sitting fun is by opening up a can of indoor games. Traditionally, indoor games are the games people play when it's raining or snowing outside. These games are mostly board games or card games that are family oriented and kid friendly. Nowadays there's more to indoor games than just board games and card games. Other games like the Uno and twister have been a frequent addition to any arsenal of indoor games. Now for the baby sitter, be ready to have some serious fun with the kids because once they are hooked with this it's almost impossible to make them go to bed.

3. Music. People say music can calm even the most savage of beasts. It is also true for some children. Leading experts proved that kids that are musically inclined are more balanced in their adult life. Other experts say that kids exposed to classical music are much more intelligent than children who weren't. When you make them listen to music treat is as though it was just another one of those kids' indoor games.


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