Use Association Techniques To Improve Memory

Maybe you are a bit doubtful in using association as a memory technique that you have learned from books or online websites. You might not believe that it is important that every time you need to memorize certain information you need to create funny or silly association between two pieces of data. This method is proven effective, and it is also employed by psychologists who are experts in studying human memory. Memory works effectively through association, and we are simply expanding of this information to help us recall things effectively.

Here are some characteristics of memory:

1. Memory is recent

We are more likely to recall things when they have occurred recently than those that happened for quite a long time. There is a great possibility that you recall what you had for breakfast today, but not what you ate two months ago.

2. Memory is clear

There is a great possibility that we recall events that are most clear or those events that leave lasting impressions than events that are ordinary. You can possibly remember what you did on your wedding anniversary, or perhaps the World Trade Center collapse, but not what happened a day before that event unless they are quite striking too.

3. Memory is frequent.

We are able to recall things that we experience often, rather than those we experience very seldom. We are more likely to recall your friend’s name or his phone number if you are really good friends rather than the waist line of Britney Spears unless you are an avid fan.

We can benefit from these characteristics of memory. Or instance, we know that if we say a word or phrase over and over again, we can recall it easily.

What about the clear property of memory? Well, when we need to recall two words such as flower and rake, we might think of using a rake to clean the surroundings of a flower. Or it can also be: if a little boy comes to a table which you are happily eating your meal, carry a rake. He then lifts up and shove the rake right into the vase with a flower! Now which of these two images can help you to remember easily? The second one will be more effective because it is more clear and vivid. The rule of thumb is: the funnier the better.

Most psychologists believe that our brain’s capacity to store information is unlimited. This means that our mind cannot be over filled. New data may, however, meddle with the data retained a long time ago, making these older data more difficult to recall. Top avoid this situation, a person can employ a little organization of information inside his or her mind.

For short-term memory, such as recalling the time for your dental check-up or the name of the priest to contact for your child’s baptism, simply do nothing. This is because we don’t need this kind of information permanently and eventually we can forget them.

For long-term memories, such as recalling trivia quizzes, contact numbers, security policy number etc, you should make some extra effort to go over these things because you need them for permanent retrieval. You can do this several times in a day. Then remember the new data at least once a day for a few weeks. By the end of this period, the objects you recall will be permanently retained in your brain.

By using association techniques, you can be sure that you will have better and more accurate memory. Always remember that you need to provide your brain with the proper exercise and nourishment in order to keep it healthy.


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