Women branding with the help of an image consultant

Makeovers are one of the most "in" thing nowadays. From women homemakers, to bachelor yuppies, to kids that have no sense of style and aging men who are awkwardly dressed for their ages—makeovers seem to define how a person is. Because of this rampant need to consult experts on the way that people look even image consultants have different specialization.

But, the biggest chuck of the society that image consultants cater to, are the women. Maybe because it is innate for women to be conscious about the way they look especially when they appear in public. Image consultants—especially for working women that are professional—are very important because these people do not only monitor the overall lifestyle and also their lives.

Among the kinds of people that are in need of help through makeovers usually those women who don’t have the time to take care of their appearance due to lack of time such as working moms and stay home mothers. The reason for this that these people are some of the hardest working people on the planet and the people with the least time on their hands to worry about the way they look.

But why is it important for these people to look good? For women homemakers, sometimes it's a little too much if they put on makeup and dress fabulous. But the truth is that not because they are stay home moms they should forget about looking good. Image consultants that focus on stay home moms' image have a few things to consider which include the age of the person and the type of lifestyle that they have.

For stay home moms, the major components that an image consultant should pay attention to include clothing, including color and "line" or style of garments; accessories from head to toe; hair; and makeup.

When an image consultant audits a woman's closet they should look in to these things so that they could build the woman that they want to build. In fact they don't need to build from the ground up. They could start from finding the right clothes that they could still use and make sure that they look good with the style and the brand that they would want to see.

Women branding

Going back to branding yourself, branding means having a personal style that's distinctly your own and that could stand out among other styles. It is important to have a personal brand because it is what makes us different from another person.

Branding is like having a name that would stick and people would remember. How many times has this situation happened to you? You are in a party and you keep mingling among the guests and you are meeting a lot of people. After the party, you accidentally bump into one of the people you happened to meet there. You say hi and the person acknowledges you but they can't remember your name or it's the other way around. Branding is important because it makes people remember who you are. It's like when you say Marilyn Monroe, you will immediately remember the mole and the white dress or when you say Elvis Presley, the sideburns and the tassels come in to mind. Now that 's branding.

When you brand yourself, you put your signature on the things that you wear and tell other people that this is you. Branding doesn't have to be expensive clothes and designer products. When you brand yourself, you need to take into consideration the image that you want to portray.

Women's image consultants have their hands full all the time with the different types of women they have to work with. But one thing is for sure when it comes to them—nothing is impossible.


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