Human Growth Hormone: Finding The Right Supplement

Human growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. It participates in growth processes and metabolism processes. This hormone also contributes in the aging processes of the body. HGH which is commonly referred to as Somatotropin affects the following:

1.) Bone growth
2.) Muscle growth
3.) Amino acid uptake
4.) Metabolism processes (carbohydrate metabolism, protein metabolism and fat metabolism.

Scientists have dwelt on the possibility that HGH can be used to reverse or slow down aging and increase muscle mass. Researches on this topic have resulted to the introduction of several products that claims to slow down aging and increase muscle mass.


The first research on HGH was an attempt to treat growth hormone deficiency. Endocrinologist Maurice Raben treated a 17 year old boy of growth deficiency after purifying enough growth hormone from a cadaver. This achievement interested many endocrinologist and they began extensive research on HGH possibilities. However, the use of purified growth hormone from dead bodies resulted to cases of Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease. This side effect signaled the end of cadaver GH treatment.

In 1981, Somatrem, a biosynthetic growth hormone, was developed by Genentech pharmaceutical company through their collaboration with KABI. Somatrem was produced using Inclusion Body Technology. However, somatrem also produced side effects on the human body namely allergic reactions and resistance to the drugs. These side effects are mainly because Somatrem was not pure GH, it has methanol amino acid. On the other hand, Somatropin, which is currently the most common form of HGH today, was developed through Protein secretion technology.

It can also be produced through Mouse-cell manufacturing. Somatropin is identical to the amino acid sequence of Somatotropin. People who have been using HGH say that they look good and feel young when they use HGH but HGH (either somatrem or somatropin) has their side effects. These side effects include increase in blood pressure, joint pain, withholding of fluid and increase in insulin resistance.


Despite the mentioned side effects, HGH supplements have gained popularity and a market in the world. People who want to feel young and vibrant have been patronizing HGH products. HGH products can be used through injections, oral sprays and natural herbal HGH releasers. These supplements all claim that they are effective in slowing aging and increasing muscle mass.

An injection of HGH is basically the most expensive kind of HGH supplement. HGH injection need to be done three times a day everyday and can cost up to 25$ per injection. Oral sprays are widely circulated in the market. According to research, growth hormone can not be acquired orally because it doesn’t have the ability to pass through the oral membrane.

The natural herbal releasers are considered to be the best supplement of HGH because it doesn’t involve synthetic substances. These releasers can be taken like any medicine and are made from natural ingredients that help in increasing levels of HGH. These herbal releasers make the pituitary gland active and do not have side effects on the body.

Human growth hormone supplements have received vast attention from doctors and people. It is now widely used to control aging and to gain muscle strength. A person should be vigilant on the HGH supplements that he takes. HGH supplements all claim that they are effective. Researching on HGH supplements is the best way to ensure that you have the right HGH supplement.


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