Hot Tub Luxury

Remember the days when hot tubs were a commodity only the wealthy could afford? Hot tubs sold today are different; you may still have all the bells and whistles for a hot tub, but offered today are entry-level pricing that will allow all of the medicinal benefits of its high end counterpart.

Take for instance the number of jets that are installed in a hot tub; more jets is equal to more bubbles and more bubbles, whether an actual physical benefit or not, just makes you feel better!

Luxurious hot tubs can consist of molded lounge seats, equipped with jets that are strategically placed right on the areas you may have pain or where you accumulate tension. Sitting in warm water, up to your neck, in a lounging position, being massaged by perfectly placed jets is nothing shy of luxury at its best. Within the same hot tub there may be seats that allow you to sit up straight with jets pulsating at your neck and lower back and another luxury option could be the jets that come straight from the bottom of the hot tub and massage your feet. Reflexology is the term used that believes that all of the points of your feet and hands affect another part of your body; and also, when massaged on the hands and feet, will produce the relaxation effect to the designated area. Hot tub manufacturers have taken this slice of luxury into account when creating the seating and jet position of their hot tubs.

The luxury of hot tubs only begins with its jets; there are models today that come equipped with such frills as a self-draining ice bucket, in order to hold the bottle of champagne chilled while you enjoy the water. There are molded cup holders for the other seats that are designed into your hot tub unit, to accommodate anyone else enjoying the time with you.

I need to mention two cautions when advocating the above luxuries; it is not a good idea to consume alcoholic beverages while soaking in a hot tub, in fact, it's a really dangerous idea because the benefit of a hot tub on your physical body allows for your blood to flow to increase and if alcohol is consumed, it will have a faster affect and it may be a little too much. Anytime a beverage is being served in a hot tub, please, make sure it is not in a glass container but one made of plastic. This will ensure you and your guests will be safe from broken glass in the hot tub and the only way to remedy broken glass in your hot tub is to drain it completely and clean it out.

Luxury in a hot tub can even be the lighting that can be custom designed; there are waterfalls and hot tubs that allow for aromatherapy. All in all no matter what you pay for a hot tub and whether or not you have all the bells and whistles; by just having one, you will be enjoying luxury every time you step into it's healing warm waters.


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