Hot Tub Improvements Over The Years

Hot tubs have come a long way in 30 years. What was once limited in size and shape has now become able to fit with every taste and sense of décor? Long gone are the days of a small tub with a wooden skirt and a round shape and in have come sizes and shapes of all the imagination can conjure up.

One practical obstacle that has been taken care of is the easy access to get to the filters. These used to be more difficult to get to and as a result were less likely to be cleaned, but now, because of the improvements made to the more recent model hot tubs, these filters have easy access and will afford for a much easier maintenance of the filters. When the filters are not hosed off on a regular basis they get clogged and the water coming back into the hot tub will be dirty.

There is a vast array of colors and styles to choose from today, too. Tub interiors can be blue, white, maroon, pink brown or gray and the outside of the tub can be made with a material that contains microbiological agents that will not allow harmful bacteria to adhere to it, keeping your hot tub much more safe and germ free. The outside skirts of a hot tub have almost completely changed from wood to a plastic simulated wood that is more durable than its predecessor and requires little to no maintenance.

Another improvement to the hot tubs manufactured today are the fact that each one can be customized to fit the individual's specific needs without much work. There is the number of seats to select, the seating configuration, the number of jets that will accompany each seat. In some cases a seat can be specifically molded to accommodate one person, where it is designed especially for that person and the jets are all strategically placed in order to offer the best in comfort and relaxation.

Today there are solar-heated hot tubs that can really cut back on the cost and energy it may take to keep a hot tub temperature regulated and steady. For some people, just the fact that there is a green or eco-friendly option makes the hot tub more attractive to them. This is a definite improvement over the hot tub designs of 30 years ago.

There are some models that have the capacity to hold aromatherapy essential oils and while relaxing in the warmth of the hot tub a person can add to that relaxation with the scent of lavender, ylang ylang or sandalwood. Adding aromatherapy to a hot tub will simply enhance the effect.

There are bells and whistles that can be added today to hot tubs that were never dreamed of 30 years ago; there are units that have their own, self-contained stereo system with surround sound, and others offer TVs, VCR and/or DVD players. My personal favorite embellishment for today's hot tub is the addition of a waterfall and/or the use of color-changing lights.


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My Articles

Help For Arthritis Sufferers In Hot Tubs
Hot Tub Safety Tips
What To NOT Bring To A Hot Tub
De-Stress With A Hot Tub
Child Safety In Hot Tubs
Solar Heated Hot Tubs
What You Need To Know About A Home Hot Tub
Hot Tub Options
How A Hot Tub Can Add To Family Community
Hot Tub Improvements Over The Years
Inflatable Hot Tubs
Hot Tub Luxury
Upgrading Your Hot Tub
The Wonders Of Hot Tubs
The Ultimate Extravagate Hot Tub
Maintaining Your Hot Tub
The Medical Community And Hot Tubs
Hot Tub Gazebos
Health Benefits Of Hot Tubs
How To Benefit From A Hot Tub
How Can A Hot Tub Help You Sleep?
Hot Tub Maintenance
Hot Tubs For Hydrotherapy
The Evolution Of The Hot Tub

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