Finding Hospitality Management Careers In Miami

If you want to find a really good hospitality management career position, then Miami is the place to go. There are a number of reasons why Miami is considered to be a hotspot for this kind of career positions. Other than that, there are also various institutions that you can find in Miami that offers courses and training programs in relation to this kind of career.

Why Go For Miami?

Miami is considered to be a vacation paradise. It is a place where hundreds of hotels and motels alike stand side by side facing the beautiful waters. Every year, millions of people flock to Miami to experience its colourful nightlife, pristine beaches and exquisite accommodation services. What does this mean for someone who wants to pursue hospitality career?—more job opportunities of course!

Go Gastronomic

Other than the numerous hotels and motels you can apply in, there are also a lot of bars and restaurants that you could find a job position in. Miami has a rich mix of cuisines from all over the world. It doesn’t mater whatever kind of cooking you may specialize in; whether it is American, Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, Jamaican, French or whatever kind of food, one thing’s for sure; you can find numerous restaurants in Miami that caters your specialty! Thus, you have more choices of where to apply!


Along with hotels and restaurants, there are also a lot of casinos in Miami. It doesn’t matter what district you are in, for sure there’s a casino out there.


Miami is also known for its very lively nightlife. It is home to numerous clubs that accommodate Miami’s party people. If you want a bartending position, then going to this place would be your best bet. However, competition can be tight since the best in the field also have Miami as a target.

Big Tippers And Baby Boomers

Miami is also known to have a lot of big tippers roaming around. Since it is a vacation hotspot, a lot of people from all over the world come here, particularly the rich ones. Baby boomers or those rich people in retirement are also considered to be as Miami patrons. Hence, tipping in Miami would be very lucrative if you would pursue a hospitality career in this place.

Where To Find Positions?

There are various sources where you can find job openings in Miami. One would be the Internet. You can try searching online and for sure you could find job openings in various areas. There are also specialized Web sites where they only post advertisements for employers in the Miami area that have openings.

Local Papers

The news paper is also one good source. However, it would be best to look in local papers in Miami. In this way there is a much higher probability that you can find an opening within the area.

Company Web Sites

Company Web sites are also great. Although you may not see their ads up on the front page of their site, most companies usually have links toward another page in which they place their job openings. Try to know the different establishments in Miami and look up their Web sites on the Internet. As you browse through their page, try to be watchful for small printed links leading to their hiring page.


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