Horse Training – Rearing

Rearing a horse can be dangerous. It’s an undesirable situation that can put you and your horse in real danger. How can you stop horse rearing? There are lots of horse training resources out there but you don’t need to look anywhere else because the answer is already here.

Firstly, you must identify the reasons or causes of rearing. You should also be able to identify how your horse rears. Some of the causes are the following:

• The horse might be releasing extra oats from his system
• Discomfort and serious pain
• Apprehension and fear
• Disrespect or rebellion to the owner

Most horse owners who experience rearing immediately turn to professional help because they are scared of the hasty reactions of their horse. You should not panic because this can bring about more danger.

Some horses have excessive energy. It’s natural for horses to become playful especially the young ones. This rearing is not very dangerous but you should be able to correct it so that it will not become a habit.

When a horse has an injury or is in extreme discomfort, rearing can occur. This is the best time to work with the vet especially if your horse is a loving and docile one. Arthritis and bad tooth can cause the rearing because of the discomfort that the horse feels. The vet is the only person who can determine the underlying cause of the rear. Some symptoms include difficulty in maintaining a steady movement, transitioning troubles between gaits, decreased appetite, and throwing of the head.

Apprehension and fear can bring about rearing. Your horse should not feel tense or frightened because this eventually leads to rearing. Sometimes, the owner is responsible for the behavior. For instance, if the owner forces the horse to do something which is uncomfortable for him or when the owner is very aggressive in handling the reins – this can lead to rearing. If rearing is due to fear, the horse can become fairly aggressive and unpredictable which can harm the horse or the rider.

Check the horse tacks because ill-fitted ones can cause discomfort. Try to observe your horse when mounting. If he rears, you should check the saddle, reins, cinch, and the bit.

How can you stop rearing?

To effectively address rearing, you should determine the cause. Don’t smack your horse when it rears or break a water bag and egg on its head. If you’re riding the horse, you must maintain balance to prevent any injury. Don’t yank the reins because the horse might flip and fall on you.

You need to lean forward and loosen the lead or reins. Make sure that the four hooves are on the ground before you redirect the pressure on the rein. Embrace the horse’s neck and slide off. Once your feet touches the ground, back off because the horse might kick or step on you; the key here is to not panic because once you do, you will not act appropriately.

Horse rearing is already part of horse training. Even if you have a well-trained horse, you should prepare yourself for this kind of situation. You can never tell if your horse will rear. If you know what to do, there is no need to panic. So when your horse rears and you’re riding it, calm down. Think of the next step and do it swiftly.


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