Horse Training – Bucking

New horse owners will surely freak out when they see an animal bucking. Their dream to ride a horse might end in that instant. But wait… don’t give up yet. There’s still a chance to fulfill that dream.

Other riders are able to manipulate bucking horses but that don’t make them excellent trainers. Training a horse is essential if you want him to behave properly. It would be best to train a young horse, preferably a colt. Bucking is usually curable but you need to determine the root cause. A horse won’t buck without reason.

Check the horse’s mouth. You may be unaware that it’s hurting. Another reason is that you might be providing conflicting aids. Here’s a good example:

A rider boots his stallion forward and then he jerks the reins to slow down. He commands him to turn around by jerking his head. In this situation, the horse’s tendency is to fight back which can make the rider mad and so he boots his horse even harder.

In the end, the rider loses because his horse starts to buck. Bucking is natural among frustrated horses. In this situation, the rider is at fault. If you want to train your horse, you must be knowledgeable in handling then properly. Riding lessons can help you out.

When you’re riding, you should be relaxed. Feel the horse’s feelings. You must provide the right signal or aid so that he will not get confused. Don’t exaggerate the aids because it will do you no good. For instance, your horse is doing a trot or a walk and you want him to lope. Think of the movement that you want to execute and give the signal. Startling or surprising your horse with an abrupt signal might cause him to buck. Always keep your body and mind relaxed while riding.

Are you currently using curb bits? If you are, why don’t you try using a snaffle? The curb bit might be responsible for the bucking of your horse. A snaffle is better because it helps your horse’s mouth relax.

When you’re about to canter or lope, horses usually buck; this is a natural occurrence and you must ensure that you’re not giving a severe or sudden signal. You don’t need to boot your horse hard just to get him to canter. A confused horse can’t canter and at the same time, he will be in pain because of your constant jerking.

What if you and your horse switch places? Now, you were asked to do a canter and then suddenly you find yourself in pain because of the jerking. Who wouldn’t be upset? If this happens frequently, you will be thinking that it’s fine to get the rider off because of the pain you feel.

The situation changes if you’re a good rider. When your horse bucks, don’t try to stop him. Instead, try to brace your arms and remain relaxed. Lean back and then ask your horse to move forward. Since your arms are brace, his head can go up so when you drive him forward, he will find it difficult to buck. Make sure that you control the speed as well. Just keep on moving your horse forward until he stops bucking.

For beginners, stopping a bucking horse may seem very difficult but with constant practice and proper horse training, you can get it.


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