Hockey Players Mismanaging Their Money

Athletes make a lot of money playing hockey for the NHL through endorsements for lots of things from clothes to cars. The problem with a lot of professional athletes is their insatiable need to spend a lot of money. What really is amazing is how they live above and beyond their means when usually the people that spend excessively like that are the ones who haven't really experienced having money in abundance. Many athletes also make the mistake of making poor business choices and investing their money into things they don't really do a really full and through amount of research before they hand over the check. Many athletes don't have smart people working to help protect their money.

Smart investing is what few athletes learn since many of them are not with college degrees and had gone professional before they had the chance to finish their studies. Part of the thing that isn't emphasized is the importance of having an education because many kids look up to athletes and think that it's cool to do what they're doing when you need an education to get anywhere in the world. Some athletes are so corrupted with elements around them from having people telling them about opportunities that are not the best to invest in.

The money that athletes make are not being invested wisely so that they can have money to live on in case their career ends due to injury or retirement. The sad thing is they go from making 7 figures and up to almost nothing. Many well known name athletes have dropped from the scene when they lose everything they have because of poor investments and associations with people who are only interested in hanging out with you only because you're famous and have money. Real friends are not going to focus primarily on what you have, and they have your best interest at heart. Also people who care about you won't allow people who are going to bring nothing positive to your life to be around. The problem with most professional athletes is that their egos can get blown up pretty bad mainly due to groupies feeding their egos with things that make no kind of sense. The money is great, but people forget that money can't always buy you happiness and in a pro athlete's mind regardless of sport whether it's baseball or hockey the rules still apply across the board.

The people that they hire are mismanaging their money because of cases where managers were squandering money when they were supposed to be busy paying their client's bills and expenses. This is where many athletes need to really screen those who handle their money because you got people that aren't honest and will steal from you and won't even know it until you start getting notices from creditors or even being sued and that's the only time athletes have the sense to look over their books when money is missing from their accounts.

The strange thing is that many athletes aren't aware of what they sign most of the time until they're really in a clench when they have financial obligations to meet. That's why most of the time athletes rely on their managers and laywers to do all the decision making when they need to also learn about where their money is going and who they are paying for jobs and services rendered. When athletes are not educated about money and sensible spending they can end up in a position where they won't have a dime left to their name.


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