Healthy Weight Loss

Quick Weight Loss

 There are thousands of diet book and diet gurus offering a myriad of ideas for quick weight loss. Although some of these plans may provide short-term results, gimmicks and gadgets do not add up to a permanent weight loss solution. The quickest way to lose weight is to have patience, eat healthy, use a weight management supplement such as Slimirex, and incorporate a exercise plan into your daily activities.

Eat Healthy
The body needs over forty different vitamins and minerals each day in order to function properly and maintain overall good health. Eating healthy not only allows you to control your portions and lose weight, but it also helps ensure that you get the nutrients your body needs to stay strong. Many people think that eating healthy means skipping meals and eating mostly bland, tasteless foods. But this is not true. Healthy eating simply means following two basic steps: variety and moderation.

Variety: A healthy diet is a well-balanced one, and one that supplies ample amounts of raw fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein. Eating a variety of foods ensures that you get a good dose of the many different nutrients your body needs, and it keeps your diet interesting and easier to follow. There are so many wonderful foods to choose from that it seems silly for dieters to limit themselves to low-fat cottage cheese and broccoli. Try to range from different fruits, veggies, beans, grains, range fed organic poultry, seafood, and range fed organic meats, to make your diet delicious and nutritious.

Moderation: Moderating the foods you eat every day is a critical step to weight loss. It does not mean you should starve yourself or even go hungry. But it does mean that you should control the size of the portions you choose to eat. Eating several smaller meals throughout the day (breakfast, mid morning snack ,lunch, mid afternoon snack and dinner)will help your stomach feel fuller with less food and it will ensure that you are never hungry. It's also important to remember that there are no particularly bad foods, but there are foods that you should eat or drink in smaller amounts than others.

Increase Metabolism
Eating raw fruit only for breakfast is the best way to fuel your body and increase your metabolism. Skipping breakfast or eating breakfast later in the morning will force your metabolism to slow down until the system receives some fuel. You can also increase your metabolism by eating four to six smaller meals throughout the day to keep the body going. Don't try to starve yourself or ignore your hunger, as this will slow down your metabolism in a hurry. If you feel hungry, your body is trying to tell you that it needs food to recharge. Energy foods such as whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables stimulate the metabolism faster than high fat or high protein foods. Also, incorporate exercise into your day to rev up your metabolism. In addition to a simple workout routine, you can park further away from your office or the grocery store, and walk the distance. Take your dog for a walk when you get home. Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible, and do more activities around the house to burn calories and increase your metabolism. Also, be sure to chew every bite of food at least 25 times before swallowing.

Daily exercise is an essential component in achieving quick weight loss results. Exercise stimulates the metabolism and helps to burn calories. Long-term studies have shown that people who have lost weight and kept it off for the long-term, have found a way to incorporate exercise into their daily activities. Different exercises are better for different people, and some burn more calories than others. Here's a look at some common exercise routines and the calories they burn per hour. Choose an exercise routine that works best for you and try a few different exercises each week for the quickest weight loss results.

Bicycling (6mph)240
Bicycling (12mph)410
Running (5.5mph)740
Running (7mph)920
Jumping Rope500
Swimming (25yds/minute)275
Swimming (50yds/minute)500
Walking (2mph)240
Walking (3mph)320

Quick Weight Loss Tips
•Don't focus on pounds as much as you focus on eating sensibly. Weigh yourself once a week to keep track of your progress, but don't go overboard.
•Don't allow your weight loss program to become stressful. Stress causes you to lose hope and overeat as compensation.
•Keep your plan simple so that you will be sure to achieve quick and permanent weight loss results.
•Remember, we all have good days and bad days. Sometimes, we may even have a string of bad days where temptation and stress get the best of us. The important thing is to remember not to panic or feel guilty. Just get yourself back on track as soon as possible.

Taking the product Slimirex™ can also help you manage your weight.

For more information on weight loss go to

About the Author

Dr. Group, the founder/CEO and clinical director for the Global Healing Center, heads a research and development team producing advanced, new, natural health protocols and products. To learn more visit

 Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

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