Healthy Weight Loss

Can You Attain Weight Loss While Fasting?


Fasting, when done properly, can be a basic part of a solid weight loss plan. If done correctly it can be a great start to your new way of living.

When I first started my weight loss program I began with a fast. I have fasted for 2-7 days on a few different occasions. The reason that fasting can be such a great way to start a weight loss program is because you can see results immediately.

It will also make it very easy to stick to your diet for the first week. After not eating for a few days, your food will taste better. This is a great time to go a few days eating only fruits and vegetables. This can easily turn your two day fast into a 7 day, full body cleanse.

Fasting can make you look much thinner in only a couple days. You may not lose a significant amount of weight, but it will look like you have. It can make your waist noticeably thinner and clear up blemishes or skin problems.

Although I do not think fasting is to be used specifically for weight loss, I think you can do it to get your body ready for a healthier way of living. Use it as a way to cleanse your body out and get rid of all the toxins clogging your system.

I suggest drinking fruit and vegetable juices while fasting. I have read that you should do a water fast, but it can be a miserable experience if you have never fasted before. So stick to natural juices.

One of the better results I saw from my fasting experience was that I have more self control over my eating habits. I have always been a binge type of eater. After my fast, I felt like I could restrain myself easier. It is probably a mental attribute. I mean if I can go without eating for 7 days then I can sure keep myself from eating something I shouldn’t.

So although I don’t think you can use fasting as a diet or weight loss program, I do feel that it can be a great start to a proper weight loss diet and exercise program. I think it is definitely something that everybody should do at least once a year.

If you have any health problems you should consult a physician before starting any weight loss program. And, if you absolutely cannot go without food then simply try going a few days eating vegetables and fruits only. This will give you most of the same results as the fasting will. However, I recommend the fast over the fruits and vegetables because of the confidence and control you will begin to enjoy as a result.

This article was written by Jason Barger. Jason has been helping people lose weight with his breakthrough book, Primal Weight Loss. To learn more about his philosophy and programs you can visit

 Jason Barger

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