How to Travel Across America on a Harley Davidson Motorcycle

Imagine hopping on a big fat Harley Davidson motorcycle. As you turn the key, the motorcycle begins to rumble and your adrenaline starts to flow. With the wind on your face and pavement under your feet, you hit the road for an adventure of a lifetime.

Before heading out and exploring, you'll want to pick up a copy of Harley Davidson's Ride Atlas. This must-have guide has a durable rubber-like cover and contains well-designed and easy-to-read pages of scenic routes complete with detailed descriptions and maps.

You'll also want to pick up a copy of "Riding the World" by Gregory Frazier. This unique book offers expert traveling advice to motorcycle riders and includes color photos, with sections on routes, motorcycle preparation, sleeping, eating, what to take, and whether to go it alone.

You don't need to own a Harley Davidson motorcycle to embark on a journey across America. There are many companies that allow riders to rent nearly any model of Harley Davidson motorcycle. Most offer travel packages that include hotel accommodations, sightseeing tours, and meals. Riders can rent a motorcycle daily, weekly, or monthly.

Ride Free Motorcycle Tours are designed to deliver life altering travel experiences. Ride Free offers a variety of tours including a cruise from L.A. to Vegas; a weekend ride along the California coastline; the Route 66 to Grand Canyon ride; and the ever-popular Sturgis Rally.

The Sturgis Rally began in 1938 and has grown to be a worldwide motorcycle event that attracts more than 500,000 motorcycle enthusiasts each year. Bikers from all walks of life join together to celebrate their love of motorcycles and the freedom they provide.

EagleRider Motorcycle Rental has a nationwide network of locations where you can choose from the world's largest rental inventory of Harley Davidson motorcycles. While EagleRider specializes in motorcycle tours of San Francisco and Northern California, they also offer tours to destinations across the United States. Riders can escape for a weekend or participate in a month-long cross country tour.

When traveling on a motorcycle, the first thing you must realize is you will have to pack lightly and include only the basic essentials. Pack a small travel bag for personal items and include travel size bottles of everything needed. Choose items that have multiple uses such as an Army knife.

Saddle bags are one of the best options when it comes to storing food, clothing and personal gear. Take clothing that is versatile, easy to care for, and requires little space. Bring along sealable storage bags or plastic grocery bags to store dirty clothes or dispose of any trash.

If you will be camping out, you can use the luggage rack or passenger seat to hold camping equipment. Look for lightweight gear and compact equipment that can be tightly folded or rolled up. Cooking equipment should be limited to one pot and eating utensils.

If you're riding your own motorcycle, take it in for a thorough check-up before heading out on an extended trip. If you're renting a motorcycle, ask the representative to show you the written maintenance record on the motorcycle before taking it out on the road.

Always chart your route so that you know where gas stations, restaurants and camping facilities are located. Leave a copy of your route with a friend or family member and keep a map and compass handy so you don't get lost on the road or while camping.

Harley Davidson motorcycles are one-of-a-kind bikes, designed for the ultimate driving experience. Isn't it time you threw your cares to the wind and ventured out for a weekend getaway or a month long hiatus?


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