Where to Find Free Greeting CardsWell, that answer is actually rather simple. You can do a simple internet search for free greeting cards and come up with many websites that offer this free service. Google, Yahoo, MSN, Excite, Lycos, and Alta Vista are just some examples of websites that happen to offer free greeting cards, even though many people are not aware of this. However, in recent years, these websites have begun to limit the selection available for free greeting cards, and have begun to charge a small fee for these cards. Free greeting cards can also be found on websites that deal specifically in free online greeting cards. Blue Mountain Arts is one such website. They too, however, have gone to offering a larger selection for paying guests, and a smaller selection of free greeting cards. These free greeting cards websites typically allow you to add your own personal message, choose your own silly saying or sentimental poem, choose your own graphics, and some even allow you to add music to the free greeting card. These features all allow you to create the most personalized free greeting card possible, which you cannot do by simply buying a greeting card in the stores. The best place to get free greeting cards is to look for free greeting cards templates for word processing and desktop publishing software already on your computer. You can easily find free greeting card templates at websites such as Microsoft, cNet, and Corel. You can also find free greeting card templates at other websites by doing a simple internet search for free greeting card templates. Once you have the free greeting card template, you simply save it to your computer and add in the information you want to have in your card. You can create free greeting cards for birthdays, anniversaries, thank you, sympathy, holidays, invitations, and many other occasions. The more advanced user can even add sound to the card. These free greeting cards can then be sent to anyone via email, or they can be printed off on your home printer and sent via snail mail. Anther way to send people free greeting cards is to recycle greeting cards. You do this by cutting off the front of the card that has the picture, and then writing your own personal message on the back. This makes the card somewhat of a post card, that has not cost you anything at all! Other ideas for free greeting cards is to cut out poems and pictures on old greeting cards and paste them to new greeting card stock paper. This paper is so inexpensive, that each card is practically a free greeting card! So you see, with free greeting cards you have more flexibility, more personalization for your loved one, and a gift that is not likely to be easily forgotten, and without spending a single dime! No doubt about it, free greeting cards are the only way to go! Comments |
MenuMy ArticlesGreeting Cards With LoveAll About Post Cards Where To Find Free Greeting Cards Why Birthday Greeting Cards? Types Of Greeting Cards All About Holiday Cards All About Free Greeting Cards How Cards Are Made All About Postcards Why Free Ecards All About Online Greeting Cards All About Ecards Value Of Real Photo Postcards What's So Great About E-cards? When To Give Romance Cards Why Greeting Cards Are Handy When To Send Thank You Cards All About Birthday Cards When To Send Sympathy Cards |
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