All About Free Greeting Cards

Greeting cards are a wonderful way to let your loved ones know you care about them and are thinking about them. Free greeting cards let you do exactly that, without breaking the bank. Greeting cards these days can be quite expensive or very cheap, but occasionally you can come across a great deal where you can get greeting cards for free.

Most free greeting cards are sent through email rather than on paper. Free websites offer services to send free or inexpensive greeting cards via email to your loved ones absolutely free (or close to it). Many websites that offer these free services also offer other free services. For example, Yahoo, Google, and MSN all offer free greeting cards as well as many other services such as email and search engines. Other websites that offer free greeting cards are Blue Mountain Arts and Excite.

Free greeting cards are not as easy to find as they once were. Even just a few years ago free greeting cards could be found all over the net. Now, you have to really search, and the selection is not the greatest. The best online greeting cards are not free. The largest selections are reserved for the paying customer, while the free cards are more like a teaser.

These online websites allow for many features. Depending on the site, you can add many free features to your free e-card. Some of these free features include music, a personalized message, animated graphics, and other visual and audio effects. These features allow you to create a very personalized card that is much more special to the person receiving it that just a simple store bought card.

Another way you can get free cards is to make them yourself on a computer. You can get free templates for just about any word processing or desktop publishing software by doing a simple internet search. These free templates allow you to easily create cards on your home or work computer and print them on your printer, which is essentially free for you to use. Unless you print a lot of cards, the cost is so minimal it might as well be free!

You can also design your own free cards on your word processor. Simply set up the page as landscape, and format the page to consist of two columns. The left column is the back of your card. The right column is the front of your card. Create another page with the same format. The right column is your personal message, while the left column is where the poem or phrase of your card would traditionally belong. Print the two pages back to back, and fold it in half. A free greeting card, designed entirely by you and especially for that special someone!

No doubt about it, free greeting cards are the best way to send someone greetings for holidays, seasons, birthdays, anniversaries, valentines, Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day, thank you, sympathy, or any other occasion!


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