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Green Tea - Why Drink It?The very first reason is that green tea is something different. You're probably used to drinking softdrinks, coffee, fruit juices, and other beverages. Green tea is something new that you should try out. It's not everyday that you get to encounter something unique in terms of taste and most specially, very few beverages have health benefits. Most Americans drink coffee several times a day and since it contains a larger amount of caffeine, some people are already looking into substituting green tea instead. You will surely enjoy the tea's nutty aroma and its sweet grassy flavor. Although some studies show that green tea also has caffeine, there are now decaffeinated green tea sold in the market. Still, if you want to go for the traditional green tea, it would help to know that the caffeine content is lesser as compared to coffee. Some people get jitters and you can avoid this by taking green tea in moderate amounts. Those who plan to stay late or those who work at night should drink green tea instead of coffee to help them stay awake. The second reason why people should drink tea is that it contains healing properties. Because of today's advanced science, many medical experts are discovering green tea's healing properties. Green tea is mainly made up of antioxidants which can help in improving the overall health of an individual. If you lack energy to carry out the day's tasks and chores, don't forget to drink your tea because you will feel a burst of energy especially if you drink it everyday. Healthy cells are also promoted by drinking tea. There are still other health benefits that you can take advantage. You see, if you drink green tea, you can prevent heart diseases, cancer, and other health problems. Those who often get sick should take tea in order to boost the immune system's health. People with weight problems can also take green tea instead of water and juices to reduce weight since the tea can suppress appetite. You can take it anytime you like, before meals, during, and after meals. Are there still other reasons that you can think of? So far, there is no other beverage that can give you a lot of health benefits. If you go to the groceries, you can find different kinds of green tea preparations. It would be best if you can grow a tea plant so that you can prepare the original serving. But anyway, since people today live a busy lifestyle, they always prefer the instant - from food to their drinks. There are now bottled green tea which you can purchase and they are ready to drink. Hurry and go to the local grocery now to purchse your green tea. If you want, you can also take supplements of green tea but before you buy any, ask your doctor first. It would also be good if you check product reviews regarding the supplements. That way, you will know which brands sell more and which are effective. Seek the doctor's advice before taking any health supplement so that your actions can be guided, most especially if you're a pregnant woman or if you have certain allergies and illnesses. If the Asian people benefited from green tea for hundreds of years, then there's probably no reason why you shouldn't try it yourself. Medical communities are already promoting the intake of green tea, so don't be left behind. Join other people who are now discovering the health benefits of drinking tea. Comments |
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