How to Make the Proper Golf Swing like the Pros

The best way to start a golf game is with a good golf swing. That way, the ball will land near the hole so it is just a matter of putting it in.

In scientific terms, this is all about physics because the twisting swing produces torque on the club. When this happens, the kinetic energy that is collected for the club head will go to the club causing it to fly a great distance.

Professional golfers that make the ball go very far achieve a club head speed of about 100 miles per hour. Tiger Woods is an exception because he was once clocked at 125 miles per hour.

But the proper golf swing has another component and that is the lie angle. For those who don’t know what this is, it is the angle between the club shaft and the club face. If you have a golf swing monitoring machine, you will notice that most golfers strike the ball at 12 degrees. One scientist believes that players can do better if they hit the ball at a 7.5 degree lie angle.

To do that, you need to know the 4 elements.

First, at the back of the swing, you should stretch as far back and extend the range of motion while keeping your rotating torso directly over your right leg.

When you begin your swing, turn your torso quickly and press down on your right leg.

Next, drive through the ball using your hips, shoulders and wrists which will all help increase your ball speed.

Lastly, let the club head’s momentum extend to the follow through far around the back so you get to complete a smooth club head rotation.

You have to remember that the golf swing mentioned is far different when you are stuck in a sand trap because there is something blocking your way and you have to go over that. To do that, you have to hit the sand behind the ball using the club head. How far will the ball travel depends on the distance between the club head and the sand.

In both instances, a good golfer must be able to adapt with the surroundings and the weather. If the winds are strong, you cannot hit the ball at 7.5 or 12 degrees every time. The rule of thumb is that when the wind is coming from behind you, you have to use a club that has a greater lie angle. If the wind is coming to you from the front, you should use a club with a smaller lie angle. If you do not follow these rules, the ball will not travel far or you may end up with a slice or a hook.

Making the proper golf swing is not easy. If that was the case, almost everyone will be able to hit a hole in one. This is why professionals practice more than 8 hours a day because they know that there are things beyond their control and the weather is a very significant factor.

Now that you know what to do, it is just a matter of practice so you can put theory into practice. If you are still having a hard time, get some golf swing aids to help you out.


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