What the Other Side Is Saying About Global Warming

While the majority of celebrities and many scientists in the world view global warming as a disaster of epic proportions, not all agree. Some people, even scientists, have opposing viewpoints that are based on their own formal observations and the data from many sources. It is interesting to explore what these people have to say about global warming.

One of the most talked-about aspects of global warming is the rise in sea levels. If you are to believe most people who speak on global warming, you have to think that many habitable places on earth will soon be underwater. There is some evidence to refute this.

There is a professor of paleogeophysics and geodynamics at Stockholm University who presents interesting data. According to this professor, the sea levels are in the same range they have been in over the last three hundred years. There has not even been the slightest rise in sea levels in the last decade.

While a sea level rise of .1 to .9 meters is predicted by the year 2100, it is not seen by this group of people as a dangerous situation. After all, there was a .2 rise in the sea level during the past century and humans did not even seem to notice.

When the global warming pundits talk about the rises in sea level that result from three sheets of ice that melt per year, it is the opponents of the movement that put it into terms that make sense. If the ice continues to melt at that rate, it will take a thousand years to raise the sea level by 5 cm.

The people who preach on the dangers of global warming believe that Hurricane Katrina and others were intensified by global warming. Many experts on the other side of the fence claim that the extreme storms have not been unusual earth events. They also say that better reporting of severe weather occurrences contributes to the impression that global warming is having an impact.

While those dedicated to stopping global warming are worried about the recession of the snows of Mount Kilimanjaro, others believe there are reasons besides global warming. These people say that you have to understand how glaciers interact with the climate around them. Knowing that the air has been drier, they say, leads you to the fact that the glacial recession is a natural occurrence.

Many people who fear global warming say that it will increase diseases like malaria by allowing disease-bearing mosquitoes into higher elevations. Others realize that there are other reasons for the additional cases of malaria and other such diseases.

These include the facts that 1) people from lowland areas are resistant to disease but carry it with them when they move to higher elevations, 2) deforestation leaves a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and 3) more pools and ditches will lead to more mosquitoes.

For many reasons, global warming is not a subject that everyone agrees on. People from all over the world have different opinions and they often do not wish to see another's viewpoint. When the true facts about global warming are clear, people can begin to come together to address the problem.


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