Celebrities Weigh In On Global Warming

Celebrities are putting their fame to use by calling attention to the subject of global warming. Famous people in the entertainment industry are using their knowledge of film-making to create documentaries about global warming. Others are simply using their influence to make a statement.

One project is designed to help people become more informed about and involved with global warming. The venture is called Global Cool, and its lofty goal is to get one billion people to lower the levels of carbon emissions they put into the environment. Celebrities involved with this global warming initiative include Orlando Bloom, Josh Hartnett, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Pink. Some bands have also joined the fight.

Leonardo DiCaprio is actually very involved with the movement to stop global warming. He has a website devoted to the topic. On it, you can take a look at two films DiCaprio has worked on, with others. One is called Water Planet and the other is simply Global Warming.

This actor also started the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation in 1998. Its purpose was to steer people towards involvement in environmentally friendly organizations.

The foundation also addressed the central themes of global warming such as greenhouse gases and fossil fuels. Now, DiCaprio has worked on a documentary about global warming about earth's 11th hour, which details the problems and innovative solutions.

Other actors are getting involved in the stop global warming movement, too. Brad Pitt is the narrator of a series on green architecture. The shows discuss ways to build that will help the environment.

Another documentary features Keanu Reeves and Alannis Morrisett as narrators. The global warming film, entitled The Great Warming, is all about the changes in the climate caused by excessive global warming.

Earth Day has always been a magnet for celebrity attention. As time goes by and more is known about global warming, the list of celebrities speaking out on Earth Day becomes even more impressive. It seems that the earth has become more precious to those in-the-know and they use this day as a platform for change.

Al Gore, aside from his Vice Presidency and his Presidential aspirations, has earned a certain amount of celebrity himself. With the release of his movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Gore has entered the limelight in a new way. He appears to be trying to use his status and fame to influence people to aid in the fight against global warming.

Perhaps the most powerful environmental activist on the scene today is producer Laurie David. She is the wife of actor Larry David of Curb Your Enthusiasm. She has lobbied for governmental change to promote the cause. Then, she started organizing the Stop Global Warming Virtual March to rally support among the everyday people. She has so far encouraged hundreds of thousands of people to join her.

No one can ever know whether actors are trying to get attention or whether they are truly citizens concerned about global warming. There are probably some whose motives are not exactly pure. In the end, though, all celebrities who live by their environmental principles are a good influence.


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