Female Weight Gain

Studies show that women—compared to men—are more prone to weight gain. This is not because females eat more than males. But it is believed that female weigh gain has certain link to their hormones, which are prone to certain imbalance. Experts believe that this imbalance in hormones can be caused by aging or menopausal, taking in certain medications, or her over all lifestyle. Female weight gain has been considered as a sort of epidemic not only in the United States but also in other first world countries.

This is because studies show that more and more hormonal imbalance in females are noted in countries where women tend to be more busy because they don’t have time to take care of themselves by proper eating and regular exercise. Aside from improper diet and lack of regular physical activities, women who have unhealthy lifestyle such as active night life are more prone to female weight gain because they tend to drink more alcohol and eat less nutritious foods in the process. However, female weight gain does not always indicate obesity.

There are cases when females need to gain some weight to recover from a certain eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. There are also those who need to gain more weight to be able to gain confidence by having a fit and sexy body. For females who are looking forward to gaining some more weight, they should focus more on eating the right kind of food.

This is very important because the type of food intake will determine the amount of nutrition and calories that are stored in their muscles. For healthy female weight gain, the focus of food selection should rely on healthy foods that consist of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, beans, seafood, and poultry products.

Aside from balance and healthy food selection, healthy female weight gain should also involve sufficient supplementation like vitamins as well as a set of regular exercise such as everyday work out. Women who are looking forward to gaining weight for aesthetic or health purposes should bear in mind that this task would require many—but sufficient—calorie intake.

The amount of calories that should be present in the body should be somehow regulated to ensure that it would not go beyond the standard weight target. For those who are planning to lose weight due to excess female weight gain, they should start to trim down on foods that have too much fat and calorie content. They should also stick to light meals to ensure that they are not losing all the nutrients in their body.

Aside from regulating their food intake, women who are afraid of the consequences of too much weight gain should also engage in physical activities that can help them build firm muscles and fit body.

Whatever your reason for female weight gain, it is very important to take note of your overall heath condition. For those who are planning to gain some weight through regular workout and other rigorous physical activities such as bodybuilding, it is very important to be physically active first. This is to prepare your body for the set of exercises that would be required during the workout.

Being physically active is also a good indicator that you are physically fit. Other way of knowing if you are physically fit is by consulting your physician. The doctor will conduct a series of test that will determine if you are ready to gain weight or if you need to lose some. By doing this, you can avoid certain complication brought by female weight gain.


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