Exercises to Effectively Increase Bicep Muscle Mass

Have you ever wanted to have a great looking body that you can be proud to show off in the beach? First of all, muscle gain is different from weight loss. You have to remember that there are quite a lot of exercises out there that are designed to target different parts of the body. Some exercises are targeted for fat loss, while there are others that targets muscle gain.

If you want to gain muscles, then here are some exercises that you may want to know about which can help you gain muscle mass in just a short period of time.

For starters, the biceps are the most sought after muscle group that most people want to build up. Besides, you would definitely look great if you had big biceps, wouldn’t you? So, here are some of the exercises that you may want to know about in order for you to gain muscles on your biceps.

The first exercise that you should do is the standing bar curls. With a barbell curl, you will be able to directly target in exercising the biceps. You will be injuring the biceps more, which means that it will allow you to build up your muscles in your biceps.

To do this exercise, you need to stand with your feet at about shoulder width apart. Hold the bar with an underhand grip. The starting position is where you are standing as instructed, and the arms should be straight with the biceps fully extended. Your upper body should be leaning slightly forward and with one explosive motion, curl your arms with the weight concentrating on your biceps.

Then, you have to remember that when you go back to the starting position, you need to extend your biceps slowly. Remember that lowering the weight actually is more effective than the actual curl. Lower the weight slowly and not just drop the weight all the way down.

If the straight bar is putting a lot of stress on your wrists, which for some people does, then you might want to try the EZ bar curls. This will put your wrists in a much comfortable position and will help you lift the weights much easier and in a much comfortable way but will not decrease the overall impact on your biceps.

Standing alternate dumbbell curls are also a great way to build muscles in your biceps. What you do is hold one dumbbell on each hand at your sides with the palms facing each other. Then, curl one dumbbell at a time and at the same time rotate your palm forward as you lift. After you fully contract the biceps, lower the dumbbell with the arm rotating back to its original starting position. Do this with your other arm. That's basically it. You don’t need any machines or special benches to do these exercises.

For both exercises, you might want to do 10 repetitions with 3 sets.

The key here is to overload your biceps. After exercising your biceps, you have to let it rest for at least two days. You need to remember that when you lift weights, you are actually injuring your muscles in order for it to grow more muscles to support the weight you are constantly lifting. This means muscle gain.


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