Eating More to Gain Muscle

That doesn’t sound right, does it? Most people go on strict diets when developing their body. A lot of us dream of having a healthy and great looking body. Some spend countless hours in the gym, and spend thousands of dollars on equipment just to gain muscles. Some people even have medicine cabinets lined up and filled to the brim with gain muscle medications and supplements. The fact is, a lot of these people find the process too tedious and too slow.

Going back to eating more for gaining muscle, this may sound incredulous to some as popular notion would have people cutting back on their food intake so that body fat will be diminished allowing muscles to be more pronounced. As there are more body fat covering the muscles, they are not able to fully expose all the cuts and lines that give the body muscle definition.

But we have to remember that as we cut off our calorie intake, you are not giving your muscles the proper nutrition it needs to help make them grow bigger. What you need to do is to increase your calorie intake if you want to gain weight, but this pertains to gaining weight because of muscle development, and not body fat. Ingest proteins and fats to provide your body all the calories it requires to gain muscle but be wary in ingesting too much calories because then the result would be the development of body fat.

This is where having a good workout routine comes in. As you do your regular workout, targeting the muscles which you want to develop, you will be able to burn all the calories you have ingested allowing it to go to your muscles to help them develop, and at the same time, avoid them into turning into body fat.

For faster muscle gain and growth, do workouts that include heavy weights. Be very patient and persistent. Some people tend to give up as frequent lifting of heavy weights can literally be a pain. If you are not accustomed to lifting weights, then it’s highly likely that you will feel soreness in your muscles. This is natural; in fact, this is one way your body is telling you that your muscles are growing, think of it as growing pains.

Weight lifting will promote muscle gain and as you eat more, the increased caloric intake will supply the boost your body will need to promote the growth of muscle tissues. When building muscle tissues, you will also be gaining strength. If you diet too much and not have the proper food intake while weight lifting, you will just lose muscle instead of your goal of building them. Doing free weight exercises in addition to lifting heavy weights will help in gaining muscle faster. Your body will be able to quickly respond in its process of building muscle.

So how much is eating more and yet not gaining body fat? That all depends on you, your body structure will determine this. A nutritionist will be able to determine how much calorie intake you will need in gaining muscle.

With a steady food intake specially developed for you and a proper workout, you will soon be able to develop the body you have always wanted and also gain the self confidence and pride that will make you feel a whole lot better about yourself.


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