Alcohol Can Ruin Muscle Gain

You heard it right. Alcohol is one of the major reasons for wasting your most beloved physique and muscles that you have taken care of for years. Alcohol is considered as one of the most significant causes to lose your muscle’s nice features. Despite of what health experts are trying to imply about the negative effects of alcohol, others are still on the verge of tiring themselves with it. Drinking alcohol will definitely ruin muscle gain.

Alcohol is considered as one of the most influential drinks ever invented. Not that it tastes funny but also this drink can now be considered as a drug because of its addictive effects which can affect your life including your family, friends and work. If you really want to maintain your six packs (abs not beer) and your mass, you have to be conscious about drinking alcohol because it can cause deterioration of your years of fruitful labor. What are the effects of alcohol in your body?

1. Increases estrogen and decreases testosterone levels.
If you wanted to increase your muscles, then you have to maintain or increase the levels of testosterone inside your body because it is that hormone that can gear to building your muscles. It will be a loss on your part, as men, if you allowed estrogen to overcome your testosterone levels because that can also cause secondary female characteristics.

2. Affects protein synthesis, big time!
You know that protein is one of the most important nutrients that your body needs in order to gain those additional mass. When you hinder protein synthesis because of too much alcoholism, you tend to hinder for protein to be distributed all throughout your body. Protein synthesis will be slowed down for about 20% the normal status.

3. Strips the body of minerals and vitamins.
Alcohol has a diuretic effect on the body which promotes increase excretion of minerals and vitamins inside the body. When too much alcohol is consumed, it tends to strip off some of the important elements that our body needs namely Vitamin A, B complex, C, calcium, phosphorus and zinc. These elements are drained in rapid manner which can cause comprise to our body’s balance. In order to function properly, one must maintain the sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins inside the body that definitely involves supporting muscle growth.

4. Dehydration can and will occur.
Haven’t you noticed that every time you drink alcohol, you tend to ask for cold water or soda just to get rid of your thirst? This is because, as what is already said, that alcohol is fast-acting diuretic that can increase your body’s ability to dispose water. No doubt about it, every time you visit the John, the essential vitamins and minerals in your body are lost in your urine. If this continues to happen, the water in your body can’t sustain the necessity because of the increase excretion and muscle demand. And muscles are composed of about 60-70% water!

4. Increases storage of fats
Drinkers are known to possess large bellies. That’s because alcohol can trigger deposition of fats inside our bodies. Alcohol contains about 7 calories every gram which is the main reason why alcohol can make people fat in an unnatural way.

You have to take care of how you manage drinking most especially if you are maintaining an ideal body weight and size. A few drinks occasionally aren't bad as long as you can handle the effects. Otherwise your muscle gaining goals can be totally affected in a very negative way.


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