Recipes for People who are Allergy-Sensitive

A food allergy is a type of immunologic reaction due to intake of certain food protein. Recent studies show that there are about twelve millions Americans who suffer from food allergies.

Shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, fish and peanuts are considered familiar causes of food allergies to older people. The younger ones usually suffer food allergies from peanuts, milk and eggs.

Currently, the only cure for people who are allergy-sensitive is to prevent intake of foods which makes them allergic or what is termed as “allergens.” To avoid food allergy attacks, it is a must to carefully prepare the food that will be consumed by allergy-sensitive people.

At this time there are more than 200 recipes which you can cook. Many of those are free from “allergens.”

Egg-free Diet

Over reaction of the immune system in the body when proteins from the eggs are ingested causes egg allergy.

You need to avoid prepared foods wherein albumin, egg, and other egg substitutes are present if you have allergies with egg. There are different egg substitute which you incorporate on your cooking recipe such as:

- Puree from apricot
- Plain gelatin with warm water
- Mix of baking powder, vinegar and liquid

You need to check the appropriate amount of each item before you prepare the above-mentioned substitutes.

Peanut-free Diet

All kinds of nut as well as foods that may contain “peanut protein” should be prevented for consumption if you happen to belong to people who have peanut allergies.

These days, there are a lot of peanut-free recipes you can prepare. To name a few of peanut-free recipes are: (1) SoyNut Butter Cookies; (2) Smoothie made from Super Soy; (3) Tofu Pie made from SoyNut and Banana; (4) Ginger soup; and (5) Sauce prepared from SoyNut.

It has been discovered that “soy nut” is the best substitute for food preparation which is free from peanut. A soy nut does not belong to the “nut” family since the term is coined for soybeans that are drenched and baked for a crispier taste.

Milk-free Diet

Milk allergy is an allergic response of the immune system when an individual has consumed one or more proteins acquired from cow’s milk.

If you are allergic to milk, you need not consume foods or beverages which contain milk, butter, different types of cheese, and sour creams. Some of dairy-free recipes which you may want to prepare are: (1) Potato Soup which are homemade; (2) Grilled Salmon; (3) Shrimp which is marinated then grilled; (4) Pecan snack; and (5) Spaghetti with No Red Sauce.

The complete information with regards to the recipes of some cited examples may be searched at the internet. The ingredients as well as the cooking procedures are also available through the internet. All you need to do is type in the keyword.

People who have food allergies can still taste delectable delicacies eliminating the “allergens” which triggers their allergy. The one who is preparing the food must be cautious not to include food triggers. Most importantly, there are a multitude of alternative food recipes which you can cook. The internet is a good source of recipes.

Eating should not be boring for people with food allergies. It takes a lot of creativity and resourcefulness so that you can eat the foods that you want using different food substitutes.


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