Snake Bites – Why First Aid Training can Help

The first aid training course covers the procedures on how snake bite can be addressed. In truth, there are a lot of individuals who are simply born to stay outdoors. Many of them believe that they are destined to conquer several lands. That is why they enjoy the adventures offered by the outdoors. Clear enough, this venture is indeed very exciting. Nothing can compare to the fun and thrill that camping, hiking, and trekking offer. However, there is some degree of danger that comes around. Wild animals are present in the mountainous and grassy areas. Much more, there are poisonous snakes that can attack you. Hence, it is very important that you exercise an utmost precaution when you traverse the tracks.

Identifying Snakes and their Danger

Why is it necessary that you know how to identify the types of snakes? Someone like you who have been trained in performing first aid should be alert at all times. This includes the need to specify the venomous snakes out there because this will guide you in saving the lives of those in your company.

As a matter of fact, not all snakes are noxious. But then again there are a few of them which are and they are the ones that you have to recognize. Without the immediate first aid applied, a person may suffer permanently from the bite or worse, can even die. Take note that the effect of the snake's venom on the body is classified into three different types. They are termed as Neurotoxic venom which brings an effect to the nervous system, Hemotoxic or that which damages the tissue and blood cells, and the Cytotoxic which attacks the cells and kills them. Now the type of snake that has bitten a person must be readily identified so that the proper medical action can be undertaken. This then prevents death among the victims.

Snakes that have Poison and the Symptoms of the Bite

The rattlesnake, copperhead, coral snake, and the cottonmouth water moccasin are all poisonous. You will recognize a poisonous bite when the victim exhibits fang marks onto the skin with a bloody discharge on the wound, there is a severe degree of pain and a burning sensation, convulsion, diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, blurred vision, fainting, fever, excessive sweating, vomiting, nausea, tingling and numbness, intense thirst, loss of muscle coordination, and a racing pulse.

Administering First Aid Treatment

When someone has been bitten by a poisonous snake, here are the important tips for you.
Immediately dial the hotline to ask for professional medical help.

While awaiting the arrival of the medical team, wash the snake bite using soap and water.

Immobilize the bitten part and place it lower than the heart.

Cover the spot using a clean and cool compress or one moist dressing to lessen the discomfort and swelling.

Continuously monitor his vital signs.

If medical help doesn't arrive in 30 minutes, you should put on a bandage that has to be wrapped about two up to four inches above the snake bite. This will slow down the flow of the venom. The band should be a bit loose so you may slip one finger underneath.

Your first aid kit should include a suction device that will aid in drawing out the venom without the need to make cuts.

It is vital for you to take up the first aid training course that also touches on treating snake bites. Be very careful as you climb rocks and camp on the grassy areas too.


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