Open House Benefits in Family Practice

Holding an open house to celebrate events, changes or milestones in a Family Practice can be an excellent means of increasing patient base and community awareness of the practice.

Why Hold An Open House?

Why hold an open house? There are plenty of reasons for a family practice to hold an open house. Relocating to a new location, adding a new procedure or new piece of medical equipment to the practice, completion of a remodeling project, achievement of a particular goal or milestone, addition of staff or an anniversary are all excellent reasons to hold an open house.

Who's Invited to the Family Practice Open House?

In order to determine who to invite, it's important to determine the purpose of the event. If the purpose of the family practice open house is to announce and celebrate the addition of new equipment, anyone who could potentially benefit from the use of the equipment should be invited.

For example, the addition of equipment relating to cosmetic beauty procedures could mean inviting area women to the open house. If a new physician has joined the family practice, invite potential patients who could potentially benefit from services as well as current patients who can spread the word by telling friends and family members about the new physician. Don't forget to invite local leaders and dignitaries.

When Will the Family Practice Open House Be Held?

Set a date in advance for the family practice open house. The date should be far enough in advance of the event to allow time for taking care of all of the preliminaries. Allow an open window of time of at least two to three hours for the actual family practice open house. This leaves room for attendees to drop in throughout the time period. Don't forget to take work into consideration. If many of those invited work, set the open house time for hours after work so more of them can easily attend.

How Much Will the Family Practice Open House Cost?

There are several variables involved in hosting a family practice open house. There are invitations to create, print, address and deliver. There's a menu to do (finger foods and refreshments, possibly cake), and advertising, including the selection and ordering of any promotional products, to be done. The cost of each of these will have to be taken into consideration. If the open house is to be held during what normally would be regular office hours, how much revenue will be lost?

How to Advertise the Family Practice Open House

It will be necessary to advertise the family practice open house. Using advertising methods and media that fit both the occasion and the community will yield better results. Signage in the clinic, ads or flyers in area newspapers, and announcements on community radio are good methods.

Wording Family Practice Open House Advertisements

The family practice open house advertisement should do more than just announce the gathering. It should also state the reason for the event, along with place, date and time. Be sure to include information about any promotional items or services that will be provided.

Holding an open house can be an excellent means of promoting the family practice. Paying careful attention to the targeted market, the reason for the event and the best methods of advertising to reach people will help ensure a well received event that produces the desired results.


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