It is now or never, prepare for home emergency

The fact of the matter is that not one person knows just exactly are the specific problems that could eventually result during a major and over all emergency. The best thing one could possibly due is make himself prepare for anything that could happen.

The following are some of the tips, advice and recommendation in order to amply prepare for an emergency. The following are from the emergency service from the California office of the Red Cross.

Water is life, life is water

As much as possible, try to keep a water supply of a gallon for every person each day and one that would be enough to go on for up to three to seven days.

Water should be kept in containers made of plastic. Also, make sure that you also have filters and tablets for the purposes of purification ready and available when needed.

Store food for you and your family

Food that is not as easily perishable should be stored for you and your family, and such foods must be enough to last you, your family, as well as your pets, for three days up until one week.

Examples of such foods are canned goods, powdered juices, boxed vegetables and food.

Have an alterative

It is always a wise idea to have a cooking source that could serve as an alternative besides the usual electric stove you may be used to.

Having a ready barbecue stove or a propane stove on hand is the best recourse if in case the electricity goes out or if gas becomes no longer available.

However, if you are to utilize propane, ensure that the tank is completely full and that an extra propane tank is also available.

Collect clothes

Have a ready and available stock of clothes for your kids and yourself as well as sleeping bags.

Collect wood

Having a steady supply of good wood is also a good idea as these could be used for those fireplaces or for stoves that use wood for burning.

Have a light

A flashlight is the item that you simply could not do without especially during emergencies. Try to consider using recharging through solar means as well as units that are cranked by hand. This is in order to avoid any future worries on batteries.

Keep prescriptions

As much as possible, try to keep any prescriptions that you or your family member may have filled. Also, try to maintain an added supply of medication both non-prescription and prescribed ones.

Contact your healthcare provider for any refill prescriptions in advance.

Have cash and some gas

Credit is good unless there is an emergency. Try to keep ready cash just in case the atm’s fail or the system of your bank is not working.

Also, it is best if you keep the gas tank of your car half full. This is so to avoid the long lines in gas stations.

Have books

During emergencies, it could be safe to have some books and some board games available to entertain yourself during power failure.

Know thy neighbor

It is also better if you acquaint yourself with the neighbors you have in your area. There could be instances wherein you ay need each other’s help if ever the basic services are somewhat interrupted.

All in all, preparation is always the best cure against any unexpected circumstance that an emergency might bring.


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