How To Take Care Of Sewing Machine Used For Dressmaking

In dressmaking, one of one of the major workhorses—aside from the sewer his or herself—is the sewing machine because it literally does all of the needlework. Unfortunately, not all sewers—especially those who are just starting with the craft—are not aware of the proper care and maintenance of this machine that lead to early damage of its parts.

Protecting the investment

The major care you can do for your sewing machine is to read the manual first before using it. This is because the manual will provide you all the information that you need without putting the machine into danger. Aside from providing you the information that you need, following instructions from the manual will also give you an assurance that the manufacturer will replace any damage in the machine.

Manuals usually come with the package once the unit has been purchased. Although reading manuals may seem boring, the information that one could get from this little complication would really help a lot in proper usage of the unit as well as how to properly take care of it so it would last longer.

Caring and maintenance

Complete and thorough information on usage, care and maintenance could be read on the manual. But, when you buy it, you can get some tips from the salesman or saleslady as well since they have researched on the product that they are selling.

Aside from referring to the manual, the following tips can also help you protect your investment by taking care of the machine.

1. Cleanliness is the best. Keeping the sewing machine clean after use for dressmaking is the best care tip of all the time. Since sewing machines are prone to dusts and other elements that are used during sewing, make it a habit to clean it regularly or every after use to ensure that there are unnecessary objects are left in the parts.

2. Never use bad quality of threads. Although cheaper threads may help you save in the materials you will be using, it can be harmful to your sewing machine because it produces more lint that can damage the machine itself.

3. Take it slow when starting. People tend to get excited when they are sewing at a fast rate without realizing that this can damage the machine easily. When using the machine, always start slow to test the threading.

4. Change needles as often as possible. Since needles are always used when running a sewing machine, make sure that you check them regularly for any chips or blunt edges so it would not cause any damage to the machine.

5. Never forget to unplug the sewing machine when not in use. This will ensure not only your safety but also the money you will save from your electricity charges.

6. Ensure that the sewing machine is always lint-free. Lint—a result of the combination of threads and fabrics—is one of causes for a damaged sewing machine. You can remove lint by using special brushes that come with the sewing machine.

7. Keep the sewing machine oiled at all times. This will veer it away from rust and dust build up that can damage the machine.

8. Always ask for professional's expertise. Don’t try to fix sewing machine problems on your own especially if you don’t know what's wrong with it. Always seek for the electrician's expertise to avoid bring further damage to the machine.


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