Early Introduction To Dressmaking

Dressmaking can be a wonderful bonding activity for parents and children because it nurtures creativity and resourcefulness in both parties. Unfortunately, most children are not into dressmaking because the parents themselves do not encourage them to indulge in the craft.

If taught early, dressmaking could bring so many advantages to children. Aside from encouraging them to be creative, dressmaking also teaches these kids skills such as drawing. It also inspires them to make their own creations and will make them more aware about the independence they can get from this wonderful activity.

Teaching children the beauty of dressmaking

If you are a parent who is into dressmaking and would like your child to join you while you're doing the craft, you must first show him or her the beauty of dressmaking. You can do this by slowly introducing the child into the craft starting with the dressmaking tools, patterns that can be used, different designs, color scheme and selection, types of fabric, and accessories that can be used in sewing clothes, bags, and other items.

When you're teaching a child to sew, make sure that you explain the purpose and advantages of sewing. Explain how she or he can benefit from it and what are the different creations the child can produce. You can also let the child watch you when you sew to tickle his or her curiosity and try the craft by himself. When you are demonstrating the craft, make sure that you are confident with your work, and are ready to answer all the questions the child might have.

Effective strategies to get kids started on dressmaking

No matter how you look forward to having your child join you while you are dressmaking, parents must never force the kids to do what they don’t want to do. So, to spare you from the pains of forcing a child to get into dressmaking, you must access assess the child's personality first by observing him or her and by asking the child questions about his or her interest in sewing briefly. Here are other effective strategies to get kids into sewing and dressmaking:

1. Gauge the maturity of the child. Expert sewers would agree that the basic trait that the child to be able to enjoy dressmaking is his or her maturity level. This is because when the child is mature enough, he or she will develop the importance of finishing what was started. Maturity level can also develop dedication and discipline in your child because he or she already understands the pros and cons of what he or she is doing.

2. Measure the child's interest in dressmaking. Aside from maturity, you should also gauge the child's interest towards the craft. If you see him or her observing what you are doing while sewing and you feel the child's excitement about the outcome of the item, then you should give the child a simple sewing project.

3. Start simple. When teaching a child to sew, start with simple projects such as a handkerchief, tablemat, or a simple blouse. Start with the basic patterns so the child will be familiar with different patterns available. Also, choose designs and colors that are bright and happy to stimulate your child's positive attitude.

4. Teach basic sewing techniques. In teaching kids to sew for dressmaking, introduce him or her hand sewing first. When you see that the child has mastered sewing by hand, you can introduce him or her to using the sewing machine with your guidance.


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