Misspelled Domain Names

When it comes to search engine keywords, there are some that are potential gold mines that are being ignored. These are ones in which a word or phrase is accidentally misspelled. Usually, the search engine will link to results that contain the correct spelling, but it will still show any websites associated with the misspelled keyword. If one of these websites catches the eye of a surfer, they may visit it. This is why many webmasters will not only create websites around misspelled keywords but also pay money to bid on them in pay-per-click search engine advertisements.

But misspelled keywords can help in another venue of Internet marketing... one's domain name. When a popular misspelled keyword is included in a domain name, the search engine bots will be more likely to notice the website. Granted, it won't get listed with the properly spelled keyword, but even traffic from a misspelled keyword is better than nothing. A person will just have to decide whether they want their website to be branded with a domain name that has an improper spelling.

So, how exactly can a webmaster make such a determination when they are deciding on their domain name? Well, first they need to look at what their website is for. If they are just doing affiliate marketing or Adsense promotion, it doesn't matter as much if their domain name is branded properly. This is because they are not promoting their own business. However, if they are using a website to promote a company, they will want to try to keep their domain name as professional as possible.

Secondly, a webmaster needs to see if there is profitability in a misspelled keyword. Even though a misspelled domain isn't as harmful to a webmaster promoting affiliate sites, they don't necessarily want to make it a first option, especially if the misspelled keyword in the domain name doesn't get much traffic. To determine a misspelled keyword's profitability, a person can look it up in a keyword analyzer. In fact, some paid keyword analyzers, (such as Word Tracker), even have features where a person can see which specific types of misspelled keywords are worth taking advantage of.

If a misspelled keyword fits both of these criteria, a webmaster may want to consider putting it in their domain name. From there they will need to decide if they want that keyword to be included in the content. If it is then there's an even greater likelihood search engine bots will index the website according to the misspelled keyword. However, if it's not there's still a chance that the website could be indexed according to the correct keyword, though if this ranking is low, it may not be a preferable option.

The webmaster will ultimately have to decide whether their content still looks 'professional' with the misspelled keyword. Some words, (such as mesothelioma), are so hard to spell, that a person may not even notice improper versions of it. If this happens they won't have any issues seeing it so many times in the content, since they didn't really know how to spell it right themselves.

In conclusion, including a misspelled keyword in one's domain name could be an excellent way to covertly get website traffic, at least if a webmaster knows what he or she is doing. If they don't a misspelled domain name could cause a person to think negatively about a website.

For this reason webmasters must take caution in which misspelled keywords they choose for their domain names along with whether or not they continue to use it in their content.


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