Bulk Domain Name Registration

Most Internet marketing gurus know the importance of using a domain name. However, only the experts use bulk domain names when marketing their website. How do things work if one is using bulk domain names? Basically, with the bulk domain name tactic, dozens maybe even hundreds of domain names point to one site. The practice is completely legal, (since ICANN places no limitations on how many domain names a person can register), and could even boost search engine listings. This is because search engine bots have more URLs they can find that relate to a particular website.

So, how can a person get started with bulk domain name registration? Well, if they have money, it's best if they go to a bulk domain name company. These are better than traditional domain name companies, because they are specially designed to help webmaster better manage their bulk domain name campaigns. With a bulk domain name company, webmasters can manage up to 10,000 domain names in just one account. This includes placing them in related groups, alphabetizing them or viewing which ones are going to expire first. An example of an excellent service offering these features is DomainNext.com.

If a person doesn't have money, they will need to consider other means of bulk domain name registration. For example, they could try to get maybe 100 or so domain names from domain name registrars charging just a dollar. This would mean the initial fees would be $100, which is an affordable amount for most people. They could also consider getting a series of free domain names. However, they must be aware that many free domain name providers will places ads on a site as well as contain an extension that is not traditional.

There may also be a limit to how many free domain names a person can register. Either way, webmasters may want to consider pointing free domain names to a second site that relates to whatever they are promoting. They can advertise the domain name to their main site. With this method they can take advantage of free bulk domain names without having to worry about bombarding their original site with advertisements.

It should be noted that if a person does not get free bulk domain names, they will have to pay renewal fees once their domain names expire. If a person got a number of bulk domain names they can handle, this may not be an issue. However, if it is, they can consider selling their domain names on domain name auction sites. They will lose the marketing advantage, but at least they will get an opportunity to save money.

In conclusion, bulk domain name registration can be a way for webmasters to help corner the Internet market. They can go about registering several paid domains and/or free domains. Regardless, they should also make sure that their site contains other elements that make for good Internet marketing. This includes being keyword-optimized and containing several inbound links. Without doing these things, bulk domain name registration in and of itself will only bring limited results.


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