When to Stop Your Dog's Diet

There are times when you should stop your dog's diet immediately. Although these situations occur rarely, it is important to know when and how to cease your dog's diet.

Typically, pet owners are advised to make changes to a dog's diet gradually. Consistency is frequently the rule of thumb when it comes to your dog's diet. Sudden changes to your dog's diet often cause your pet stress and trouble, but at times, stopping your dog's diet immediately is necessary.

If your pet will be having a medical procedure performed that involves the use of anesthesia, your vet may recommend that you stop feeding your pet for a period of time before the procedure. As always, follow the advice of your trusted vet. He or she knows the dangers to your pet regarding surgery with a full stomach.

If you expect sudden changes and stress in your dog's life, such as a move to a new location, your pet may refuse to eat his typical diet. During the first day with a guide dog in training, trainers recommend to skip a meal to avoid stomach upset during this extreme time of stress for the dog. If you have concerns about stopping your dog's diet due to stress and illness, consult your vet for advice.

In light of recent pet food recalls, you will want to be prepared should you need to stop your dog's diet suddenly for safety reasons. In some cases, your dog may have already shown signs of upset or disinterest in contaminated food, but if not, take no chances with the health of your pet in the event of a recall. If your type of dog food has been recalled, stop feeding it as part of your dog's diet immediately. If possible, locate a new bag or can of the same variety of dog food that is safe for your pet. This will reduce any disruption to your dog's diet and routine.

If you are uncomfortable or unable to locate dog food that is safe in the same variety, you may want to cook a meal for your pet to substitute as your regular dog diet until you can. At this time, you simply may just have to switch varieties or brands of dog food.

As mentioned before, a sudden switch in your dog's diet is not typically recommended, but in the interest of your dog's health, it may be necessary. Should this be the case, try to locate another type of dog food that is similar to your dog's diet in quality. This will help to reduce any digestive issues.

Your vet will best be able to advise you, but expect some digestive trouble such as gas or diarrhea during a sudden diet change. Of course, you will want to keep an eye on this situation, but it is not necessarily a sign of poor quality food. Your dog's digestive tract is not used to significant changes, so it will take a period of time to adjust to the new diet.

A sudden switch or cease of your dog's diet is not typically recommended as the way to go, but in some instances, it is for the best. Always talk to your vet about any change to your dog's diet and follow the advice. Your dog's safety is the utmost concern.


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