Running The Distance By The Basics

Technology has given man a lot of opportunities to improve his way of life. Health and medicine have improved man’s survival rate and his ability to understand certain diseases that affect bodily functions. Industry and infrastructures have sheltered man against all sorts of calamities and adversities.

Transportation is on always on the go to carry man wherever he may choose to go. Indeed a lot has changed mainly because of the technological breakthroughs around the globe. But do you ever stop and wonder how our ancient ancestors faired without modern machinery? Transportation was an issue during those times and our older counterparts had no option but to stick to the basics and run by the distance.

What is running and how does it contribute to the development and improvement of every part of our body? Come with me and let’s take a close look at the fundamentals and basics of running whatever the distance may be. Basically running is a method used by certain animals including man to gain movements by foot. In the sporting world, running is scientifically defined in terms of gait wherein there is a point that both feet are off the ground as compared to basic walking where one foot stays on the ground throughout the movement done.

There is a definitive kind of motion involved in running especially the one observed in us the humans. The legs interchange one after the other during the movements. As leap is done the center of gravity shifts from one leg to the other. The knee absorbs the shock by bending thoroughly and carefully. Running demands a lot of energy from the individual. This is due to the fact that there is continuous shift on where the body weight is as it constantly opposes gravity. In 2004 researchers from Harvard University stated that the capacity of our early ancestors to withstand long distance running was a key factor on our way to an evolved form.

The motion in running can be seen in two parts of the body which are the upper and the lower portions. Lower body motion has three phases. These are support, drive, and recovery. Basically when you run there is a series of long and full strides that take place. Each leg alternates in order to complete the movement. Now the phases occur in different situations. Drive and support is noticeable during the time when your foot is in direct contact with the ground. On the other hand, recovery takes place when your foot has taken flight off the ground. Each leg interchanges in order to maintain the flow for each phase.

The upper body is very important to maintain proper equilibrium in the body during running. There should be a presence of forward motion so as to ensure that stability is up to par. Each lower body motion is paired up by an upper body movement. For example one leg’s recovery is joined by forward drive coming from the opposite arm. While another leg’s support and drive is being complemented by backward motion from the opposite arm. The torso is also involved in the total running motion as it keeps the body in rotational balance along with the movements of the lower body.

Now that you have an idea of what transpires in your body during basic running motions you can now head on to test your body’s limit by the distance.


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