Why Should You Try Eating Food Raw As Part of Your Detox Diet

Are you concerned about your health? Chances are you will say yes but are you really doing anything about it? If you want to remove those toxins that are collecting in your system, one method you can try is known as the Raw Food Detox Diet.

The Raw Food Detox Diet happens to be one of the most popular diets around. This is because while many will only let you lose weight, none of them are specifically designed to help you get rid of these harmful toxins.

But why eat raw food when you can cook it ? This is because when food is prepared and then cooked, some of the nutrients and vitamins which are also important for the body are lost.

What is even more astonishing is the fact that when it is cooked, you changed its natural state. Thus, new chemicals are created and the natural enzymes are destroyed.

When you take it out of the pan and put it on your plate, it somehow slows your metabolism and impedes certain primary functions of the body especially the flushing and detox functions of the organs.

If this does not yet convince you that eating raw food is much better than cooked ones, note that the raw food diet boosts your immune system, may help decrease or increase weight and again, detoxifies your body.

Compared to an average meal consisting of animal flesh which normally takes 8 hours to digest, the only thing it gives you is energy to burn what you ate and nothing else.

It may a significant change for you to eat food raw when you are used to eating it cooked. This is why the switch should be done gradually like having a quarter of the food cooked while the remainder is raw. Who knows? You may like to eat raw food that will give you the complete nutritional value found in each one.

The detox diet consisting of raw fruits and vegetables only lasts a few days. When it is all over, you can go back to eating other solid foods including fish, chicken and meat. You may even want to mix a few raw dishes sometimes like sushi which is also great to eat.

Before you start eating raw food, you have to prepare yourself both physically and mentally for what is about to happen next. You can prepare physically by starting an exercise routine and cutting down on certain food and then substituting it with beans, organic fruits and vegetables.

Although detox diets are generally safe, it will still be a good idea to consult your doctor because you could be one of those individuals that are not cut out for the program.

People who should not try the detox diet in any form include pregnant or nursing mothers, those who have just undergone surgery and individuals that have been diagnosed with certain medical conditions. If you insist on trying it, make sure that this is being done under medical supervision.

Eating food raw may be different but it is one way to get all the essentials you need to detoxify your system. Will it be challenging? Yes during the first day since there is a lot of adjustment involved but if you are able to stick to it, then you will surely feel good thereafter.


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