Deforestation Statistics Over Time

Ecological matters affect all life in this planet, from the negligible parasites to the human race. Slight interruption in the Earth's fragile balance can mean particular damage of the very place that embraces the lives of many species.

It is not so easy searching for ways to cure the presently perilous and confronting movements of planet dilapidation which have been a bother on the planet over the recent years. Deforestation statistics is one of the issues that require further study and consideration. Trees have been or are being cut down at progressively higher rates. If this is not blocked, ill-fated effects could be the consequence.

Although deforestation statistics are essentially needed by the government and all environmentalists for further studies, what calls for more attention are the initial steps toward the green movement. It requires every human effort in the planet coupled with sincerity to duties and diligence at the working process.

Why Forests Are Needed

To understand why deforestation is reaching global issues, we must first comprehend the need of forests and everything that it is composed of.

The natural world is the home of 50-90% of all kinds of flora and fauna. It is where the wildlife and ecosystem exists. Without it, the normal world cannot go through the different cycles of life. It is where all sorts of trade happen, from carbon dioxide elimination, to food consumption, and even to unknown organisms which may prove itself useful in the future.

Undoubtedly, this is the very reason why such world should remain to be untouched by human hands. The work and doings of people may cause a disruption in the all-natural habitat, and all can turn into a disaster in no time.

Primarily, the forest is the living source of almost all species in the planet. However, it is not only there extinction that we should be afraid of. Studies show that 25% of the human medicines are derived form nature, and perhaps other cure for rare diseases may be there too. Our source of carbon dioxide exhaust is provided by the tree which inhabits in all forests. Without them protecting us, the world could be full of all toxic gases in no time. Truly, the services that nature renders can be totaled in immeasurable ways.

The Extent At Which Deforestation Ate The World

Developing countries with bigger populations such that of Europe has had about 90% of their forests turned into urbanized areas, and all for the purpose of metropolis revolution. Other countries have shown to have hit almost the same records too. All over the world, countries have followed deforestation into the extent that almost 80% of the total forested areas of the world have been compromised.

The effects are variable for every country too. Others had problems of greenhouse gases, soil erosions, limitless floods and other human catastrophes, and a lot more. The rates of disasters due to deforestation are only going sky high. The need to reverse the situation is called for by all leaders of earth movement. If not stopped, even human life can put to extinction in the coming years.

True enough, deforestation statistics is not perfectly accurate. However, we can see from our day to day lives that the world has changed in so many ways. It is a good thing if the world can progress yet remain to be untouched, but what is happening now is something that should be prevented even if it offers bigger benefits for humans.

Even the seas are now dumped with cement and transformed into dry lands for the construction of malls or other company buildings. One day, the world may change into a fully industrialized spot, and there would be no room for nature to grow.

While it is still early and stoppable, deforestation activities should be halted. Let nature freely live on its own; it would be better letting it live as peaceful as it is and as unharmed as it was.


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My Articles

The Pros And Cons Of Deforestation
Deforestation And Climate Changes: A Major Impact To The World
Deforestation: A Human Evil
The Many Causes Of Deforestation
Deforestation Statistics Over Time
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Devastating Effects Of Deforestation
Deforestation In Latin America: Afflicting The World In Countless Ways
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Tropical Deforestation: How It’s Destroying The Earth
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