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When To Choose A Dedicated ServerWhen you first begin your internet web site, you can start up on a shared server. This limits bandwidth as well as space, but is usually the most economical option. With a shared server, you can save money as you share the server with other websites. This can work out well if you have a small internet business. As your business begins to prosper and perhaps you develop other websites that relate to your business, it may be time to think about switching to a dedicated server. Although a dedicated server is a costly initial investment, in the long run, it can actually end up saving your money. Nothing is more frustrating to your customers than being unable to access your website. This can happen if you do not have enough bandwidth but have quite a bit of traffic to your website. Just like anything else, the more traffic you have going through, the quicker you have to move the customers in and out. An increase in bandwidth and space can offer you the following advantages when it is time to choose a dedicated server: - More space - More room for forums and shopping carts with a data base - More bandwidth to accommodate more customers and allow easier access If your business is growing, or if you have several websites that you have developed as money websites where you reap revenue from internet ads, a dedicated server may be your best option. Yes, the initial set up cost is high, but because you usually lease the equipment from the service company, you will continue to get updated computer whenever they update their system. This insures that your equipment does not become obsolete. In addition to the above mentioned benefits of having a dedicated server, there is also the idea that you are the only one with access to the server. This means that you can set up your own security and keep others from getting on the server. Unlike a shared server, where you are liable for everything that everyone else does, the dedicated server is yours and yours alone. No one else has access to the server but you. There are many options when it comes to choosing a dedicated server. Most dedicated servers cost about $100 per month and some with more individualized service can cost more. The dedicated server that you choose will depend upon your computer expertise, your budget as well as how you wish to use your website. There are hundreds of reliable dedicated servers available on the internet today. When it is time to choose a dedicated server, take a look at the different services available and compare prices. Decide what type of services and additions you would like to make to your internet website before choosing the right dedicated server for you. Comments |
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