Choosing Cubic Zirconia Jewelry

When you shop for cubic zirconia jewelry, consider the price you want to spend on the jewelry, and consider the look you are going for when choosing the jewelry. Because cubic zirconia is less costly than diamonds, some manufacturers will make them cheaply by using cheaper metals. Some manufacturers see the cubic zirconia as the beautiful stone they are, so they will make them with precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, and the up and coming titanium. The cubic zirconia jewelry made with precious metals will cost more than cubic zirconia jewelry made with a cheaper metal.

Another difference you might be able to see with the naked eye is the way the cubic zirconia is cut. Cubic zirconia stones are mass-produced; some manufacturers will use a machine to cut the facets in the stones. However the manufacturers who see the stone for its own beauty will have the cubic zirconia stones hand-cut like a diamond.

If the cubic zirconia jewelry you have seen looks cheap, it is because it was cheaply handled and put together. However, there are several manufacturers who do beautiful work with cubic zirconia jewelry and the cubic zirconia jewelry will rival diamond jewelry.

Even though cubic zirconia is not as hard as a diamond. It will cut glass just like a diamond when it has a quality cut and a professional hand polish. The same method and ingredients are used to make cubic zirconia stones. I believe the difference between a quality stone and a cheap looking stone is in the cutting and polishing of the stone. Even a diamond would not look as good if cheaply cut and cheaply polished, and neither does the cubic zirconia.

When they are creating the cubic zirconia stones certain minerals can be added to create a different color. Cubic zirconia can be made to look a number of quality gemstones, such as emerald, sapphires, and rubies just to name a few. A cubic zirconia can be created to match your birthstone. When the cubic zirconia is treated with the Azotic coating, the colors that emerge are stunning. They are even more stunning when added to a Topaz, which is the stone most treated with the Azotic coating process.

Probably the cubic zirconia jewelry seen by most people in stores is the less costly version, which is not made to rival a diamond, and does not show the cubic zirconia at its best. I have seen cubic zirconia jewelry online, which is not cheap. It costs less than the same setting with a diamond. However, it is difficult to tell quality by a picture on a web site.

The next time you go shopping for jewelry, ask about the cubic zirconia jewelry. You may be able to look at some of the quality cubic zirconia jewelry I have seen evidence of online. I would hate to think the only cubic zirconia jewelry in stores is cheaply made cubic zirconia jewelry. I think the cubic zirconia is a beautiful stone. The cubic zirconia even looks good in when it is placed in a gold plated setting, but personally I don't believe those settings do the cubic zirconia justice.


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