Free Credit Report: Know About Your Credit Score For FreeA credit score or a credit rating is what banks base their decisions in approving you for the loan of for a credit card. Sometimes, there are companies that also look at your credit rating in order for you to qualify for a certain job. Your credit report will contain all your credit history. It will show if you have been paying your loans and credit card bills on time and it will also contain information about your monetary judgments, your tax liens and even bankruptcy. It is a fact that many people don’t know what their credit score or credit rating is. Because of this, they will often get negative credit reports because of applying frequently for credit cards and loans and getting rejected because of bad credit rating. Because of this reason, it is important for you to know your credit rating. This is why it is necessary for you to obtain your own copy of your credit report in order to know about your credit history and know if you have a good credit rating or a bad credit rating. You obtain a copy of your credit report through credit reporting agencies. The credit reporting agencies makes your credit report and gives you your credit score. They make their reports based on the creditor's reports about your credit. If you weren’t paying your credit card bills or your loans on time, the creditors will give you a negative credit report to credit reporting agencies. Sometimes, a bad score can be caused by errors on the report. For this reason, it is very important for you to find out about your credit history by applying for a credit report from credit reporting agencies. The document will contain all kinds of necessary information about your credit payment history. It will contain your identifying information, such as your name, address, current and previous address, date of birth, national security number, your previous employer, and also your spouse's name if you are married. It will also contain your credit information with banks, credit card companies, retailers and also other lenders. The credit report can be viewed by creditors in order to determine if you are worthy of getting approved for a loan. It is also a document that can be analyzed by landlords and employers for your credibility. Your credit report will be provided by the three major credit bureaus in the United State, namely; Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. The reports can be ordered at the same time. Also, these reports can be obtained for free, once a year. There are also companies that provide credit reports for free. However, these companies use their own system and are usually inaccurate. So, if you haven't applied for a credit report before within the year, you can obtain one through the three major credit bureaus in the United States. You can even order all three credit reports for free. By doing this, you will not only know about your credit history and credit rating, but you can also compare it and know about certain errors made. Comments |
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