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Tips on Credit RepairCredit repair is the process of getting you back on the good side of your creditors. Without it, you will not be able to borrow any money which is why it is important to know how to do it. The first step is to know how the bad the situation is and the only way to do that will be to get a copy of your credit report. You can get this for free by getting in touch with one of the three credit agencies namely Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union. If it just so happens that there is a discrepancy in your credit report to which you know has already been resolved, sending a letter and the supporting documents is all you need to fix it. But if the credit report is correct, credit repair can only be done by paying it off. It will be a good idea to talk to your creditors and ask if you can strike a deal which will allow you to pay the said amount in staggered terms. If they agree to this, make sure that this is written on paper so you have something to hold on to if ever they decide to change their minds. Should you have problems talking to your creditor, don�t give up and instead hire a credit repair company to act as the mediator. Talking to professionals has a lot of benefits and two of them happen to be lower payment and interest terms. Credit repair takes time and since money is always the issue, be ready to make certain sacrifices and reduce your expenses. If what you are earning is not enough, you may have to sell off some valuables and assets. People who have outstanding loans must still be able to pay for other things like mortgage and other bills. The scenario itself is like fighting a campaign in many fronts but you have no choice because failure to miss other payments will only make matter worse. No one said that when you are undergoing credit repair, you cannot use your credit card. In fact, you can still use it just make sure you do not max it like before because your total debt compared to your total credit makes up 30% of your credit score. Once you are able to improve your credit score, keep up the good work. At the same time, apply for either a department store credit card or a secured credit card. Filing for bankruptcy is never an option with regards to credit repair. This is because it is like taking a nose dive when your record will be kept on file for 10 years and during this time, interest rates will continue to pile up and the amount of money that you owe only grows. The credit repair tips mentioned are easy for anyone to follow. Once you start paying off your debt, make sure you are able to do it so you can once again be in the green. Is credit repair easy? Not really because it really depends how much you owe the creditors. Some individuals owe a thousand or two while for others it is quite bigger and that is really a problem. So analyze your situation, take the appropriate steps in credit repair and make sure this does not happen again. Comments |
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