Credit Repair You Can Do YourselfThe immediate thought of some is to look for credit repair solutions provided by some companies, most of which are probably scams. Anyone can improve his or her credit report, in the legal and legitimate way. But what most people want is some here and now instant solution. Naturally, some companies will jump on that need. Hence the proliferation of scam companies. But you can repair your credit standing yourself. Here are four ways to do just that, yourself. No a dime spent or scam involved. Have someone add you as an authorized user on their credit card. A good and certain way to improve remarkably your credit status is to have your relatives, one or two of them, to add your name as on of the authorized users of the credit cards they actively use. Getting them to do may not be easy if you're known to them as someone irresponsible, so you'd have to promise them you're straightening out your life. The benefit getting your name added to their card's allowed-to-use list is that this comes off as a positive mark on your credit report. The usual reason is that someone trusts you to not abuse their credit card. Just be sure that the relative you ask to have you added also has a commendable credit history. Otherwise, it's a little pointless to be added to their list. That would negatively affect your credit status, instead of helping. Decide on a spending ceiling on your credit card. Putting a cap on how much you can spend is always a good thing. Having a record that you phoned your credit card issuer to limit your card's spending limit is often taken as a sign that you don't want to spend more than a certain limit. The limit is usually assumed to be how much you earn. This speaks of discipline and foresight. Definitely worth doing. Up the limit on the credit card you're using. On the other end of the credit card spectrum is increasing your card's spending ceiling. When you successfully persuade your credit card issuer to jack up your limit, that is taken to mean that the issuer has decided you are trustworthy, which often means your income is stable and can support the needed payments. This will reflect nicely on your credit status. Complain if you're paying a student loan. When paying up for a student loan, contact the student loan ombudsman, or the office handing your loan payments. You have to do this before you phone your creditor, because those who provide student loans have to make the payment choices convenient to those who borrow them. If you are persuasive enough, you might be fortunate to have the records of late payments removed from your account. This is a good thing. You want as few bad marks on your credit status, as much as possible. The tips listed here are not at all exhaustive. You are encouraged to look for more tips in shouldering and pulling off your credit repair yourself, without resorting to paying off a company that offers to improve your credit report or standing for a fee. As has been mentioned before, most likely they are scams. Visit government and non-government websites, which are non-profit in nature, for more information. Comments |
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