Enjoy Houston Sports? Use Houston Craigslist to Find Tickets!

Most people can name the three largest cities in the United States after thinking for about two and a half seconds. You probably just did it as you were reading that sentence. Automatically, in your head, you rattled off, "New York, Los Angeles, Chicago," before you even got to the period. But can you name large city number 4? It's not Boston, Philadelphia or Miami. It's Houston, and it's got a lot going on.

One of the popular draws of Houston is its multiple sports teams, especially the National Basketball Association's Rockets, considered a major title contender in the 2007 season. In addition, Houston is home to Major League Baseball's Astros, the National Football League's Texans, and the Comets of the Women's National Basketball Association. For those wishing to see one of these great teams live, a great place to look for tickets is Craigslist Houston.

Craigslist is a network of sites for communities throughout the United States and around the globe. The Craigslist network helps connect people for things like garage sales, apartment subleases, job interviews, and even romantic encounters. A unique and novel idea at the time, it initially began as a resource for the San Francisco Bay Area in 1995. By 2006, there was a Craigslist site representing each of 450 cities worldwide. With a few exceptions, advertising on Craigslist is free, and postings can be placed in myriad sections, all organized into major categories for easy browsing and navigation.

One of these major categories is the "for sale" section, where users can post ads to sell items in any of about thirty subcategories, auto parts to video and photo equipment. There are also areas to post items that you are looking for (in the "wanted" section) or to propose trades and swaps (in the "barter" section). Also included is a section for people to sell tickets to events and shows, such as concerts and sporting events. With so many sports teams based in Houston, there are always tickets available on Craigslist.

Sure enough, browsing Craigslist Houston (http://houston.craigslist.org) yields plenty of ads hawking tickets, particularly those for the Rockets' sold out playoff games. These particular tickets will cost a pretty penny, but for the avid basketball fan, it's worth it to be able to see a championship contender play a playoff game in a sold out arena. Astros tickets can be found for a variety of prices, seats and dates. Some people want to get rid of their field level the same night, and others are looking to get rid of their $30 seats for a game next weekend.

Believe it or not, Houston is also known for its performing arts. It boasts professional companies in each of the major performing arts disciplines: theater, music, opera and ballet. For those more enchanted by Arsenic and Old Lace than jump shots and double plays, Houston Craigslist is still a good place to hunt for tickets.

Now that you realize how large and busy the city of Houston really is, maybe you ought to plan a trip there. While you're in town, be sure to check out one of their great sports teams, especially now that you know all about how to find tickets on Craigslist Houston.


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