Craigslist Seattle; More than Just a Research ToolSo what exactly is craigslist? Don't worry, if you've never heard of it before, you're not alone. It's still a pretty well-kept secret among research tools available on the internet although it currently ranks eighth among the most popular websites. Craigslist provides a valuable database of nearly anything and everything you would want to know about Seattle. If you're planning a business trip or vacation, you will find information regarding the best hotels and their prices, restaurants to fit your taste and budget, and information on the various attractions available around Seattle. If you're relocating, you will find valuable information on available apartments, condos, and real estate for sale. You will also find listings on available jobs in the area and a wide variety of items for sale, including vehicles and furniture. Craigslist is also a wonderful location for finding various discussion groups and forums for people in Seattle. You can discuss topics such as job professions, community events, and general city information with other residents. It also stands to serve as much more than just a search website. In fact, craigslist also regularly teams up with the Seattle Police Department to help eliminate crime in the city. In November 2006, the Seattle P.D arrested over 120 people who attempted to engage in criminal activity, such as prostitution and drugs thanks to craigslist. Undercover police officers regularly pose as underage children to catch child predators and post ads for sexual solicitation to catch prostitutes. Craigslist Seattle is proud to support this effort to keep the city a safe place for everyone, including residents and visitors. Craigslist is a user-friendly website and is very simple to use. You don't need exceptional computer skills to competently use the site. To find information regarding Seattle, simply visit and click on Seattle, Washington. You'll find an amazing database containing valuable information on Seattle. Craigslist Seattle is free to use and does not require a registration in order to access the information. You can also be rest assured that craigslist is safe to use, as the company even provides a link on their site on how to avoid scams and fraud while using craigslist. If you suspect illegal activity, craigslist provides a link you can click to confidentially report any violations. Comments |
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