Costa Rican Destination Weddings

If anything's more fun it's a destination wedding and many couples that want to experience a real tropical paradise can arrange for their wedding to take place in Costa Rica. Some of the more experienced tour companies have special rates for wedding/vacation packages for couples that want to have a destination wedding and vacation for their wedding party and incorporating a honeymoon at the same time. Some packages are cheaper when booked at the group rate so it's cheaper for members of your wedding party, friends, family, and other guests to be able to travel at a cheap rate.

Costa Rica has some really scenic tropical beaches and hotels and resorts that are priced right for someone's budget whether it's big or small. The idea of having a destination wedding is kind of for those who like to get away from the ordinary church/hotel weddings and being able to enjoy a different kind of scenery where the sunsets and sunrises are breathtaking and enjoying a peaceful kind of setting that really makes getting married worthwhile.

There are many tour companies that offer wedding/honeymoon/vacation packages Costa Rican Tours Inc. that is based in Costa Rica offers wedding packages for at least $500-1000 since in most cases all you have to do is handle the legalities and paperwork to get married in Costa Rica. The U.S. Embassy or Costa Rican consulate will have the required paperwork needed to marry in a foreign land.

Usually, the only thing that you have to provide is that you are single or divorced (You must provide a copy of your divorce or annulment decree) will prove your marriage was legally dissolved in a court of law in the United States. The cost you pay can go to cover the flowers, food, and entertainment since many hotels provide this for one price to make it less expensive since it's not cheap to fly to Costa Rica at certain times of the year since airfares can be super high during the high peak travel season and not everyone can travel for a destination wedding especially if your guests have to take off from school and work to attend.

Most who are getting married in destination weddings usually don't have a lot of people attending because not everyone can afford to jet off to some exotic location for 5 days and usually many who do this are usually eloping because of the fact that not everyone can come to the wedding.

Usually many couples who do destination weddings don't regret it because it was a positive experience with less of a hassle dealing with ungrateful relatives and friends and just being with the person they love and not having to worry about the expense many couples face after a wedding for at least 2-5 years depending on how long it takes for them to pay down their debt from the wedding. Usually destination weddings are inexpensive, but it's the airfare and hotels people who go to them worry about since they're not cheap to book.


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